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You wake up next to Winona.

It's the morning after she had proposed to you in front of millions, and you were still slightly star-struck.

It must be early as you can hardly see the thin rays of sunshine peeking through Winona's blinds.

You rub your eyes, sitting up.

And then, you see Winona sitting up against the headboard, book in hand, looking at you with a sweet smile.

"You should go back to sleep, love. It's only 5am." she suggests.

You shake your head, "I'm alright. Why are you up this early?".

She chuckles, "Well, if you want me to be honest with you, I couldn't sleep.".

"Why not? Thinking too much?" you ask.

She nods.

"What about?" you inquire.

She sighs, placing a bookmark in her book before placing it on her nightstand.

She turns back to meet your eyes, "Us. Mainly you.".

"Why? What's wrong with us? Or me?" you ask.

"Nothing! Nothings wrong with you or us I've just been thinking about what's gonna happen now..." she begins, "I mean, we're engaged and now none of your life is gonna be private anymore... and now everyone is gonna know your name, and I'm just not sure you'll be okay with all of that pressure.".

You smile, placing a small kiss on her cheek before assuring her, "I'm fine, Winnie. I love you. I don't care if you become the most famous woman on earth or if you fall to being normal again. I don't want you for your fame, or your fortune, or even this ring on my finger! I want you for you.".

After a few moments of silence, you continue, "That first day I met you, Winnie, I was in love. And that hasn't changed. Every day I see you, every day I wake up beside you is another day worth living. I love you. I love you, a million times, I love you. And I don't care how long it takes, as long as one day I'll be your wife I'm the happiest woman on earth.".

You gently grasp her hand as she takes in all of what you just said.

Not one of those words you let escape you were lies.

None of them were even exaggerations by any means.

You truly do love her.

Fame or no fame.

Ring or no ring.

You love her more than life itself.

Her eyes search yours as you practically watch the many thoughts in her mind run through her head.

Her tearful, tender yet loving gaze on you softens as she gently squeezes your hand in hers.

"I-I love you too, Y/N. I love you so, so, so much... and I was falling for you from the day I met you too... but I have to ask... can you see your future with me in it?" she asks.

You nod instantly.

"I do. Ever since I walked into that office I knew you were the one I would start and end my life with. I can see us, married someday, living together as wives, loving one another until the day we die." you reply truthfully.

She sniffles softly as a tear falls from her eye.

You bring your free hand up to wipe it away.

As you do, she gently grasps it with her hand not already grasping yours.

And now, you're holding both of her hands in both of yours.

"I believe you, Y/N. Because I've been dreaming of the same life. Together, with you... I want to be yours for as long as I live. I'm so in love with you... damn... just 5 months with you and I already want to spend the rest of my life with you, huh?" she says, chuckling to herself.

You smile, "It's not that crazy. I've fallen for you the same way, love. I want to spend my future with you by my side, along with whatever comes attached, paparazzi or not.".

She laughs, leaning over to kiss you lovingly for a moment.

As she pulls away, her voice filled with emotion, she murmurs, "I-I love you. I love you so much. I've never met anyone like you... thank you for this. I've been so uncertain for the past 5 months... but now I know for sure that I love you. I don't just love you, I'm in love with you.".

Tears rim your eyes as you beam at her.

"Do you think you'll be able to sleep now, love?" you ask softly, placing a hand on the side of her beautiful face.

She nods, "I think I will.".

You chuckle, "Perfect. Goodnight, baby.".

She slips back under the covers before snuggling into your arms.

You embrace her with her head pressed against your chest as her eyes flutter closed.

She leans up to place a sweet kiss on your lips before returning to her spot between your arms.


(Btw when I finally write the ending to this story I'll have a little bold italic note at the bottom of said story that says so, just so you all know <3)

Young Winona Ryder x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now