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A/n POV :

It's been a few months since Y/n joined the college. In these months Y/n and Taehyung hung out a lot which helped them understand each other better. Their friendship grew stronger but sometimes they both feel uneasy and also get deja vu but pay no attention to it.

Y/n was having a conversation with her friends but the homeroom teacher came in which made them shut up and sit straight.

"Kids, we have news for you, we have organized a trip to South Korea's best museum, it's on this Sunday, Sana hand out these forms to everyone, whosoever is interested fill out the forms and submit them to me by tomorrow." announced the teacher.

Sana handed out all the forms and went back to her seat. Y/n and her friends began discussing this trip.

"Well, what do you guys think about this?" Y/n asked for their opinion "I think we should go, it is a once in forever chance, we're talking about the best museum in South Korea." Jennie presented her thoughts.

"I also think we should go." said Irene.

"It's decided then, let us all fill these forms right now, I'll go hand it to the teacher." Y/n instructed and both the girls nodded their heads in consensus.

They all filled out their forms and Y/n handed them to their homeroom teacher after that Y/n approached Taehyung.

"Hey Tae, you going on the trip?" she questioned.

"Yes, you know how much I like historical things." he said with the excitement level of a kid which made Y/n laugh.

"Ya ya, you know I heard that near the museum there is a village that has been there since ancient times." Y/n informed and pinched his nose.

"Wow, will you explore that village with me?" he asked enthusiastically.

"Ofc I would, I'm the one who suggested after all." she replied and winked.

On Sunday

Everyone settled down in their seats thrilled about the trip. Irene sat with Jennie and Y/n sat with Taehyung. The rest of the students sat in pairs with their friends.

Taehyung had bought a Canon EOS R6, especially for this trip. Y/n connected her headphones to her phone and put on her playlist. She was listening to calm music while glancing at the view outside the window while Taehyung was taking pictures of the view outside he also took some photographs of Y/n.

 She was listening to calm music while glancing at the view outside the window while Taehyung was taking pictures of the view outside he also took some photographs of Y/n

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A Picture He Took Of Y/n

He showed those pictures to Y/n
"You look really beautiful in these pics." he complimented which made Y/n's cheeks pink but she hid it with her words.

"I know I'm beautiful." she said pridefully making Taehyung chuckle.

Soon they reached the museum. Everyone got off the bus and gave their attendance. They walked inside the museum which seemed to have an ancient theme. As Y/n and Taehyung were walking inside, he was ganged up by his two friends.

"Hey buddy, let's go in together." said Jungkook and he waved his hand towards Y/n.

"Spend some time with us too." Jimin teased Taehyung then winked at Y/n.

"You shorty, come with me I'll teach you some manners." Taehyung wrapped his arm around Jimin's shoulder and started to walk in.

After two hours of exploration, Irene and Jennie got tired so they sat on the benches. That was Y/n's chance to go with Taehyung in the village. They both had already decided to meet at the gate of the village.

"Taehyung, let's go in quickly because it's forbidden to go in there." Y/n disclosed.

"C'mon let's go then what are we waiting for." he held Y/n's hand and entered the village. As soon as they entered the village gust of wind hit them which they ignored and walked in further.

Taehyung was capturing the whole village with his camera while Y/n was looking around with curiosity. She was exhilarated to be here. She was fond of nature and this place was perfect for a person like her.

 She was fond of nature and this place was perfect for a person like her

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The Entrance Of The Village

Y/n stood right in front of archer Taehyung's house. As she did so she held her head and started to see blurred visions. She bent on her knees and groaned in pain.

Taehyung noticed Y/n was groaning so he went near her perturbed "You alright Y/n?" Taehyung asked distraughtly.

"Yes, just a minor headache." Y/n said and stood up. She smiled at Taehyung which made him sigh in relief.

When he looked at the house and started clicking pictures of it. As he went closer for better pictures, he felt something underneath his foot.

He bent down and started removing the leaves from the ground. He did that for a while and found a rusty ring. As he picked it up his head started aching. He saw blurred visions again and tears were dropping down from his eyes. He was crying but didn't he know why. Y/n walked to him worried about what had happened to him.

"Why are you crying Tae? What happened?" she asked anxiously.

"Nothing, just some dust went in my eyes." he said and pouted because he didn't want to trouble Y/n.

"Aishhh, you scared me for a moment." Y/n chuckled and hit Taehyung's shoulder playfully.

"Y/n, there is a forest right back there, I saw it while clicking pictures, wanna explore it?" Taehyung suggested.

"Why not." she smiled her gummy smile as Taehyung admired her dazzling looks. He guided her into the forest and then took her to the lake. They both settled at the shore of the lake and chatted.

"How do you know this forest that well?" Y/n inquired.

"Because when you told me about it I got curious and read everything I could find about this very place." Taehyung lied, he didn't actually know why.

"God you're so impatient." she teased.

"If I hadn't done so we probably wouldn't have been here at this lake." Taehyung replied proudly.

"Tae, I don't know why I'm getting deja vu at certain places in here." she revealed her concern.

"Don't worry Y/n, I read about it, having deja vu at a place like this means that place is connected to your past life." Taehyung said.

"There's no way that's true." she rolled her eyes.

"I don't know, it can be true or false as well." Taehyung shrugged.

To be continued...

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