Chapter 23: Run

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~Dabria Esmeray Marciano

Busting open the door I walked inside my office. My jaw clenched as I strolled over my desk fetching out the bottle of whiskey I have in my drawer, I poured some in the glass. Wrapping my fingers around the thick round glass I picked it up, and gulped down the liquor. Feeling the burning sensation down my throat.


How am I supposed to tell Amara. How can I bring a link to our haunting past that we are trying to run from. In front of her when she's trying to get past it?

Running a hand through my hair. I poured another drink in my glass and chucked it down. Sighing heavily I kept the glass down and walked over to my chair while tying my hair in a loose bun.  The coldness of the leather fabric of the chair seeped past my jacket giving me a cool sensation. Resting my head against the chair, I looked up at the white ceiling. The round chandelier in the center of my office. Sighing again I straightened my back, the bright light from the laptop reflected on my face as I busied myself at work.

Pouring my third drink, I rotated the glass while going through the shipment emails when I heard a knock on my door. Xavier, the head of the security system steps in. Bowing his head he looked at me.

" There's a man named drystan wanting to meet you, we tried to stop him but he demands that you know him." He completed his sentence and waited for me to react.

"Let him in, ask someone to escort him here." Nodding his head Xavier walked out of the office.

What is drystan doing here?

The door of my study opens again and drystan walks in. His eyes find me as soon as he enters the room. Closing the door behind me he walks up to me, placing both of his hands on my side he  leans in. " Hi" his voice is so soft as he leans down and peaks at my lips. Smiling weakly I looked in his glinting eyes.

" What is it?" I was taken back by his question. I wanted to answer his questions but I myself didn't know what was wrong or how to tell him what was wrong. He placed his palm against my cheek gently, his warm thumb against my soft skin.

The coldness seeping through me melted away by his warm touch, craving more I leaned into his touch. As if it could take away the cold storm that is about to come. The past that is about to reappear in front of us all.  " Dabria?" His voice  was hushed and laced with worry and doubt. His eyes were searching for the answer my words couldn't speak.

The loud bang of my office door made me look away as drystan stood back up, alarmed I snatched out my gun taking the safety off I pointed at the intruder. My breath hitched as I watched Amara's blank face.

She knows.

Closing my eyes I took a deep breath in. I should have told her earlier. A sudden force on my side sent me a few steps back as sharp pain shots through my side. " AMARA!" drystan shouts at her. She ignores him and marches towards me again.  " You." Her voice was filled with pain of betrayal and disgust.

" You didn't tell me." Her eyes were blank yet the rage and hurt behind those eyes were crystal clear to me. " YOU FUCKING KNEW ABOUT IT AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME KNOWING HOW MUCH THAT MEANS TO ME." her fist met my left jaw as i stumbled back. "Amara what are you doing stop it." Drystan yelled at her as he rushed towards me.

It was chaos, my mind wasn't able to focus, or focus on what? Amara? Grey? Drystan? My fucking father who was behind all this? Grey was back he was tied all those years down there and i didn't even know about it. And now Amara thinks that I know that he was there all these years? I should have told amar–

"Fucking talk Dabria" snapping out of my haze I looked at Amara as tears ran down her face her fingers where wrapped around my collar. Gulping I looked at drystan. He was looking at me with eyes that were searching for answers, any kind of hint, truth. My eyes snapped back on amara. Her figure was blurry, and the sudden ringing in my ears made me flinch away.

"Fucking talk you little shit! Where is your mother" father yelled at me as he shook me in between his hold. A harsh slap on my left cheek made me look up at him.

" You piece of shit you aren't going to listen, are you?" He stepped back pushing me down on the cold floor. I tried supporting myself with my palms but they were all bloody with cuts and bruises.

I tried covering away from him. Just a few more minutes and then Amara and grey will have mother and my baby sister away from this beast. It will all be over then.

An excruciating scream ripped through my chest as the sharp tip of my father's shoe came in contact with my abdomen in full blow. The pain was unbearable. My mind was going black, it was hard to breathe to look around it was so painful to even protect myself.

"Bri...DABRIA?" it's her Amara? What is she doing here? Why am I in my office? What is drystan doing here?

" Shit... Fucking shit I'm so sorry bri–hey hey look at me try to breathe in" her voice is so distant. But father is here he's going to harm Amara and drystan and grey and mother and my baby sister.

"Amara–run..he–he's here take drystan and grey an...and mother also and run."

" You all will die all of your Little friends and your mother for disobeying me."

" Run Amara he's going to kill all of you."

"Bri" a warm feeling wrapped around me looking down it was someone's arm, following that arm my eyes met drystan green one's. His eyes were so dark and deep. It was my relief my safe place my escape. " Run." It was nearly above a whisper, before I released myself in those dark deep emerald eyes.


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