metal fingers for an iron clad soul

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A small kiss was shared in the halls of the castle. "Please... Pr9tect y9urself, Cr9nus..." Prince Kankri whispered to the tall purple knight. The knight nodded, "I lovwe you, Kankri..." He said his lips dry and his heart beating. The prince smiled and kissed his forehead whispering to his forehead,"and I y9u, Cr9nus...". They embraced and kissed once more and the knight hurried along his way to the main entrance where the other knights waited.
The three royal leaders stood above them with the Strider's throne.
"my people." King strider spoke.
"OURrrr people, Strider.." Disiple said her chin up not looking towards him.
"That's right, my apologizes, your highness. OUR PEOPLE." He shouted his last words towards the crowd and they all silenced. "A WAR HAS BEGUN TODAY. WE ARE MERLY MINUTES AWAY BEFORE WE RUN INTO BATTLE. I WILL SAY NOW NOT ALL OF US WILL BE BACK HERE. BUT MAY I SAY BEFORE WE GO WE ARE PROUD." King strider said and gestured to the tree royalists. "So furry proud... Of ALL our brave worriors..." She said her eyes trailing off to her youngest, Nepeta, who stood in the crowd her war paint smeared proudly on her cheeks. "For tho2e who we lo2e... We wiill honor you.." Psiionic said with a father like smile. "S9 WILL I." Said a booming voice coming into the hall. Everyone turned. "SIGNLESS." Dirk gasped running to him. "You're supposed to be on bed rest s-" Dirk begun looking to his wrists and paused. Metal fists clenched.
And so it began.

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