Howv dare thee

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Cronus touches his cheek backing up, thier swords stop swinging. He lowered his hand to see blood smeared on his pointer and middle finger, he looked up at his father his lip set in a snarl. "Stop fighting me, Son." Dualscar started bringing his sword up to wipe the tip of the blade on his cape blood cleaned off, "join me." He opened his arms. "Wvwe can be the GREATEST team." Dual said with a chuckle and a smirk. "I wvill NEVWER be a team wvith a man like YOU." Cronus replied and stepped forward taking a swing at him. Dualscar growled and swong back. "YOU THINK YOU CAN BEAT ME!? A KING!? YOURE LOWVW ON THE FUCKIN CHAIN, CRONUS. GIVWVE UP." Dualscar spat in his face, the flat side of his blade against his throat. Cronus's confidence is slowly bashed down but he furrows his brow and pushed him back with his own sword. "YOURE VWVAIL, CRONUS. YOURE A PEICE OF TRASH. GIVWVE UP AND JUST JOIN ME!!" He yelled as they fought. Cronus spat at Dualscar's feet and smirked as he charged his sword. "HOWVW DARE YOU." Dual screamed and became more aggressive, "I AM A KING. YOU ARE A FILTHY PESENT." Dual protested thier swords beating and biting at eachother. Cronus's chest filled with heat and tighted with anger until it climbed up his throat and bursted out of his mouth. "I AM NO MERE PESENT YOU FOOL!!!!" He screamed and striked harder and rougher, pelting his pain against Dualscar's sword. "I AM A ROYAL GAURD OF THE STRIDER KINGDOM. AND NO ONE TOUCHES MY KING!!!" At his last words he struck, Dualscar fell back his sword sliding off to the side. Cronus points his sword to Dual's chest, breathing harshly.
"Goodbye, father."

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