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"There wasn't anything going on in her life." My aunt scoffed loudly making things difficult. "Stop being nosy."

I sighed and slapped my face softly. "I need to be nosy to find her."  I turned to my friends who were silent for obvious reasons. "Speak" A whispered as they flinched at my aunt and her wine clicking onto the table.

"When did you realize Nora was gone?" I asked turning my attention to my aunt pissed. 

"This morning at 11:00 AM." She said fidgeting. "I went into her room but she wasn't anywhere, her room was a mess." She climbed up the stairs showing me what she wanted us to see. Or just me. I shot my friends a look as they jump up to their feet and follow after me. 

As we made our way to the room, she wasn't kidding about the messy room. Pillows were thrown to the ground as if someone was in a rage and threw them.  Another is pictures of her and her friends in the trash that was knocked over, clothes everywhere, the desk's chair knocked over, and much more. Nora wasn't a messy person. I know that. When my room was messy she would get so mad and clean it up. I found it a win-win to have her clean it as she did a very well job. 

"Did you guys have more fights?" I asked without thinking. My aunt's head swished in my direction and stepped forward yelling.

"How do you know we have fights?" She screams pointing a finger at me. 

"She texts me when she wants to talk," I say looking at her with no expression. "About you."

Her eyebrows furrowed and sighed. "She kept secrets from me." Wow. I have never seen this side of her. "I was so angry and.." 

"You told her to get her shit together and leave," I said looking at my aunts' eyes, the eyes that look like it was going to shatter, the eyes that hated me since I saw her, made me feel bad for her. "She told me," I said softly. 

"Please find her." She said grabbing me into a tight hug. Never expected this. I open my eyes and see my friends shocked by her action. "She has to be here in a week." 

"Why a wee-" I said until she stopped me from pushing me hard away. 

"I said,' Find her this week!'" She yelled. Now she's back to normal. She started pushing me toward the stair almost tipping me down the wooden stairs. "Out now!" 

Cara, Maddy, and Conner ran to open the door and swung it open. Ravi grabbed my arm leading me to the wide-open door and I take a peek at my aunt. She was staring with teary eyes and anger, running to her room. I shut the door and walked to my car. 

As I closed the car door, I sighed and turned to everyone with shock still on their face. "Did she just try to push you down the stairs?" Cara and Maddy asked at the same time. 

"Don't ask me, ask her," I said putting my car into reverse. 

"I think we are okay," Cara said resting her body against the seat. "Noami just texted that my dad wants to see me today." she paused and looked up to look at me through the mirror. "He wants you to come with me. 

Her father is Elliot Ward. He killed Ravi's brother, Sal, and kidnapped a girl who looked like Andie. 

Why would he want to see me after I put him in jail? I turned to look at her at a red light and made a face. "What?" 

I turned my focus towards the road but sneaked a look at Ravi's face. His face was destroyed with many emotions. One was anger, another was sadness and many more. I wished and wanted to kiss him and hug him tightly but my friends are there. 

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