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"Open you're eyes lovebirds" Someone said with a British accent. Not the worst one, but the most terrible one ever.

I open my eyes as it it brighten by lights. "Jesus it's bright." I said mumbling and cuddling my blanket. Although my blanket was a different feel. I open my eyes and see Ravi's body.

I blushed and sat up. I looked around and saw Conner on the floor looking like he got hit by a truck. My best thought is that Cara squished him by stepping on him.

"wakey wakey Lord Conner Reynolds!" Cara shouted as it echoed the house. Conner groans and throws a pillow at Cara making her flinch. I looked at the door and saw my parents and Josh's shoes gone. I checked my phone and It says 11:27, meaning that they are watching Josh's soccer game.

I wasn't a alethic person ever in my life. I made my parents disappointed about that part but at least I have good grades. My grades define me, on how I am, how I act.

"morning cara." Ravi said in a sleepy tone pulling me back down.

Cara looked back at me and smirked. "Okay lovebirds." She said making Ravi open his eyes. He shot up and looked around. "Where's Pip?" He said looking around still sleepy. Conner started laughing and Cara joined in to make it obvious. He turned my way seeing me and blushing really hard. Cara started dying, clearly, and went to the floor bounding on it.

A phone call rings the house making us freeze. "That's my cue." I said getting up fixing my hair.

I stopped at the phone and grabbed it. Who knows? It may be the guy or just some advertisement.

I brought the phone close to me and I opened my mouth until a loud noise played. I flinced and covered my left ear and it rung.

"Jesus." I said as Cara, Ravi, and Conner came over. Ravi went close to the phone and heard the noises grabbing the phone.

"Who are you?" was the first thing he could say.

"Awh. Her little boyfriend, for now." The guy said laughing as it made glitches. Ravi was about to slam the phone into the table but I grabbed it quickly out his hands.

"Okay, what do you want now?" I said as I looked at the front door.

"I want you to open the envelope on the table that I left you, darling." He said making me have a shiver down my spine. My eyes went shaky and I dropped the phone. I rushed toward the table and saw it. The envelope.

"W-What the f-fuck?" Cara said as all of us ran to grab the envelope. I opened it and saw writing, and blood. My hand trembled as I saw it. Photographs of me, Camila, and Estelle. I hear everyone gasp making me drop them on the table. The writing read:

'Beautiful girls must be kind and nice to me, their boyfriend. or else. worse comes to them.'

I ran back to the phone and gripped it. "What the fuck do you want?" I said with my voice trembling. He sighed into the phone making me scared for what he would say.

"Don't grip that phone to hard, I don't want you to get hurt."

I gasp and look around for someone to stand and watch me but no one. I look around the room for a camera, anything. No luck.

"How are you watching me?" I said as I covered my mouth. "I said how are you watching me!" I said as I brushed my hair through my hair.

"Darling, I wish all my safety to you and wouldn't want anything to happen to you so." He said stopping and hanging up.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I sighed and walked back to see Cara, Conner, and Ravi frustrated and stressed.

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