Chapter 80

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When the last of the guests took their leave for the night, Henry found himself wandering around an empty ballroom. The palace staff came forward, rushing to life in efforts to return order to the room.

Many of the guests would remain for a few days, some choosing to stay longer. Others were already on their way home. It all depended on the desires of the person. Some stayed simply for the company, to hear of news from other kingdoms and catch up with old friends. Others stayed for political reasons. 

Henry imagined many of the masked suitors would be lingering for a while, waiting for his sister to make her decision. Henry pitied his sister, knowing an arranged marriage was not easy; especially for the woman. He regretted his past behavior with Princess Karolina. How he had objectified her, placed her at a distance unless he desired something from her. His actions were deplorable, he knew that now. 

With nothing better to do, he pitched in some effort with helping the staff. There was much to do and he knew these people would not rest until the room was cleaned up. He helped move tables and chairs, placing them where instructed. 

After moving countless chairs around the room, he helped a group of men bring out one of the tables to the hallway.

"They're needing it for the festivities outside," one of the men stated.

While most slept soundly in their rooms, some--particularly the men--enjoyed catching some fresh air and drinking the night away. For such a purpose, King Alan had provided an outdoor area specifically for taking drinks and gathering around bonfires. 

There was entertainment as well, with booths selling goods and treats. 

Once the table was moved outside, others worked on setting it up as a snack table, using the remainder of the food from inside. 

Henry allowed himself to linger outside, watching the men around him smoking and drinking, sharing adventurous tales with one another. A few of them looked around at the booths, purchasing some of the goods for sale. 

Curiously, Henry perused the booths. There was jewelry, clothing, spices, and delicious food. 

The Prince was tired, but the night somehow still felt young. As if there were more to be done. 

One booth in particular caught his eye and he walked toward it. There was an array of squashes for sale, along with pies and pastries. It made Henry think of Mavis and her grandparents' pumpkin patch. He smiled at the thought of her, though the pain of her absence tugged at his heart. 

For whatever reason, he decided to purchase a few, if only to place them in his room and think of Mavis. 

The man behind the booth was older, a greying mustache resting heavily over his upper lip. 

Just as Henry finished buying his items, a familiar voice spoke his name. "Henry?"

He turned slowly, as if moving too fast might make it a dream. "Mavis?"

It was her! But what was she doing there? Too happy to ask questions, he rushed to her, spinning her around. She laughed, then smoothed out her dress, glancing around as if to make sure no one saw.

"What are you doing here?" He was too happy to care what others thought.

She looked bashful, her eyes never quite meeting his. Meanwhile, Henry gobbled the image of her up, thrilled beyond himself that she was there. 

"Is there somewhere we can talk?" she asked shyly. 

He took her hand and led her away, slipping out of view from the others. "What is it?" He was getting concerned with the way she was acting. Was she not happy to see him?

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