Chapter 16

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I was half asleep with Slappy holding me, his dummy arms snaked around my waist. My bedroom door burst open. "Wake up sleepy head!" Zach yells, barging in, Slappy sits up behind me. "Wazzap?" Slappy asks.

 My eyes open. Zach gasps. "What the hell man?!" Zach asks, confused. "Hiii, Zach" I say slowly, Slappy looks at Zach smugly. "You're sleeping with my adoptive sister?!" Zach yells, looking at Slappy. "Oh, yeah...She's a natural~" Slappy responds, smugly. Zach frowns, he looks at me. "Really, (Y/n)?...You brought this guy out again? You know how dangerous he is!" Zach says. Slappy smiles, still holding me from behind. 

"I love him, Zach" I state. "W-what?!....So, this was your valentine?!" Zach asks, I nod. "Yeah" I state. "Does Stine know?" Zach asks. "He was the one who brought me out, and he is letting me stay with my little pet" Slappy says. "Pet?" Zach asks, confused. My wolf ears flatten. "Yeah, he's my Master" I reply. "What are you even talking about? ...Master?" Zach asks. Slappy leans over my shoulder, I turn and look at him. He then kisses my lips, I kiss back slowly. Zach watching. "I can't believe this..." Zach states. We break away, as Zach walks out. I sit up. I giggle. 

Mom burst through the room. "I heard from Zach that you let that dummy live with you" Mom states. "Who are you calling dummy, dummy?!" Slappy yells. Mom gasps. "I should have known, a monster would help another monster out. Get out. I'm not letting you keep that...that thing around me and Zach, he could hurt someone. And not to mention you are sleeping with him!" Mom says. "Show her the picture of Zach and Hannah" Slappy whispers, I nod. "Look at what your son, has been doing" I state, showing her the lewd photo, Zach gasps. "Mom, I can explain" Zach starts, but mom interrupts. 

"You should not be spying on my son's private life! How dare you take pictures of him!" Mom yells, ripping up the photo. Slappy frowns. "It was worth a shot" Slappy muttered, shrugging. But Slappy had taken 2 photos, I still had the other one. "Pack up your things... Tonight, you are out!" Mom yells, slamming the door. "Good riddance!" Slappy yells back, sticking out his tongue. I sigh. "Where are we going to go, Master?" I ask. "I'll think of something" Slappy replies. I nod.

I began packing my clothes, as Slappy helps pack up my books. "You sure do like to read a lot" Slappy murmurs, carrying the heavy books into some suit cases. I giggle, as he begins to use his telekinesis power to have the books float into the suit cases. I pack up my teddy bear, diary, and necklace. I had 3 suit cases, first one with books, second one with clothes, and third one with accessories, including the pink polaroid camera, teddy bear, diary, and necklace. I was packing all day, and soon night time rolled around. "It's time, now go" Mom says. "Yeah, Yeah, we're going... you know, your face looks like something, I pulled out the garbage disposal." Slappy responds. 

Mom gasps. "Get out" Mom orders, lowly. I carry 2 suit cases, as Slappy caries the other one. Mom slams the door behind us, locking it. "Where now, master?" I ask. "Well...There is only one place" Slappy responds.

We ring the doorbell to Stine's house. "Come on, Come on" Slappy says, impatient. Stine opens the door. "Oh, (Y/n)...Slappy" Stine says, looking down. "We got kicked out, could we stay here?" Slappy asks. "Of course!" Stine says, stepping aside letting us in. "Okay, (Y/n) can take Slappy's old room, upstairs... the guest room...And Slappy you can take the couch" Stine says. "Actually, we sleep together" I state, Stine cocks an eyebrow.

 "Yeah, she's my girlfriend" Slappy adds. "Oh...Okay! I'm so happy for you two love birds. But no funny business alright?" Stine questions. "Alright, Sure" Slappy rolls his eyes, heading up stairs. I follow, but Stine grabs me back. "Do you really love him, or is he forcing it?" Stine asks, sincerely. "I really do love my master" I reply. "Master?" Stine raises an eyebrow. I blush, and get flustered. "I...uh...That's what I call him" I stutter out. Stine laughs. "Oh, okay" Stine says, as I run up stairs to Slappy. 

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