Chapter two

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Slowly, Percie walked back home. It was like her mind was blocked to try and protect her from all the pain and all the death. Still, the images were stuck to her brain.

They had won the war, but at a very high price. When Gaea awoke and monsters stormed Camp Half Blood, it was trampled along with hundreds of half-bloods and nymphs. Blood and unrecognizable bodies were everywhere, making the once beautiful camp a nightmarish place.

 Demigods could barely hold off the monsters that were swarming the camp. Greeks and Romans fell. The seven weren't much better. Frank and Hazel died alongside each other when they were surrounded by a few monsters. When Leo went through with his plan, Piper and Jason were blown up with him. They put Gaea to sleep. But not before she had squeezed the life out of Annabeth right in front of Percie's eyes. That sight never left her mind during the few days she was in Camp Half Blood after the battle.

The only good thing that happened was that she was summoned to Olympus and was given a gift so that her scent was removed and she would never have to worry about monsters again. Percie felt relieved and surprised. It was unusual for the gods to grant wishes that didn't benefit themselves. But she wasn't going to complain about it. Well, at least she didn't have to look around at every corner for monsters anymore.

While she was still drowning in her thoughts, Percie barely realized that she had reached her apartment. She knocked on the door with shaky hands. The door opened, revealing a beautiful woman in her late thirties.

"Oh Percie, you're back." Sally hugged her daughter, tears streaming down her face. And just like that, Percie broke down in her mother's arms and cried. She let her mother pull her on the sofa and sobbed into her shoulder. When she felt that there were no tears left to cry, she found that her stepfather Paul had sat next to her. Together, they comforted Percie while she told them the shorter and less gruesome version of what had happened.

" Percie," Paul said. " You've had such a hard life. We've got some good news for you."

"I'm pregnant." Sally said excitedly, pointing at the small bump on her belly.

"Oh, that's great. I'm so happy for you, mom." Percie managed a smile, something she hadn't been able to do for quite a while.

"There's more," her mother continued. "We are moving to Australia. We figured you deserve a break from all this saving the world stuff."

For the first time in days, a sparkle of hope sprang in her heart. Maybe for this once, her life will take a better turn.

After hours of packing with her mother running around and reminding everyone to bring their stuff, they were finally setting off. Percie didn't bring a lot of things. Just some clothes and a photo album of her friends who she missed so much. And of course, her trusty sword Riptide was in pen form in her pocket. Even though the gods had promised that no monsters would be after her anymore, she could never be too careful. 

Since Percie's father was Poseidon, they couldn't go to Australia by plane or else the old drama Queen Zeus would shoot them down. So, that's why they were taking a ferry to Australia.

Percie was amazed at the ferry at the dock. Although it wasn't' as good at the Argo 2, it was still a sight to marvel at. The room they had on the ferry was quite small but also very cozy. There was a bunk bed which Sally and Paul squeezed in while Percie slept on the top bunk.

With the gentle rocking of the ship and the faint sea breeze, Percie drifted off to sleep, not knowing that her troubles were far from over.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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