Life is as perfect as ever. Which of course means its hard as hell.

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His face turns from confusion into understanding and then egotistical nonsense.

"Hell yes."

"Follow me." I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers as I drag him along. I pull his across the street from the school into barbra's house. "BARBRA!" I yell.


"Yeps and I know your gonna kill me but you should kill John but I cant really blame him."

"Is Jane having the baby?"


She walks into the room and see's Mikyle.

"Whoo's the stud?"

"My new dance partner."

"I'll go get the measuring tape."

"I love you. Seiriously."

"And I you now tell the hunk to get his damn clothes of so I can take measurments!"

"Okay okay!"

Barbra makes our costumes and the costumes for this song are You see I need to appeal to these judges and I did my homework apparently they all like passionate sexy dances that make it seem like no one is watching. Its hard meeting that standard but I WILL do it.

"Take off the clothes"

"Ummm okay?"

"Dont be embarressed leave your boxers on."

"Okay for a minute I thought you wanted me naked not that i would have objected." He winks at me and I have the urge to slap him or kiss him and I deicide not to act on either.

Barbra walks in and starts taking measures and stuff to make his costume and he just looks uncomfortable.

"Okay I'm done now go teach this guy the routine."


I pull him once again to a different part of the house which is partally my bedroom and partailly a dance studio.

"Okay...let me explain something. This dance routine is EXTREMLY intimate. Its passionate and all kinds of sexy shit okay and its like this to appeal to the judges. Now you HAVE to dance to your full potential or I swear to god I will murder you."

"Yes ma'am, lets learn."

"Okay so move there."

We dance and I teach and hes getting it but somethings off. Its the passion level when he dances its not doing it.

"Your not putting enough feeling into it. Mikyle!" I scold him.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean put some emotion into it some passion!"

"What kind of passion?" He asks.

I walk over to him. "Like when you kiss someone and that hot needy feeling comes up. That kind of passion."

"I dont know what you mean." He states.

I look at him and then I think about what Im about to do. I push my chest against his and look at him in the eyes.

"This kind of passion." I say and press my lips softly to his. His hand holds my face to his as our lips begin to move together and there is passion there and anger and lust. Our kiss heats up into a boiling pot of need and he picks me up presses my back against the wall and starts kissing my neck.

"Kiva..." He moans softly.


My world got shattered into a million peices by his touch and when I wake up the next morning...My life was perfect.


Should i make that scene into a seperate book a r rated scene?

Love, Alex.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2013 ⏰

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