Chapter 51

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Chapter 51

2 weeks later!!

Today is week 20

I am so excited more than I can ever explain!!

Niall is really excited too!!

We stayed up really late

Last night

Talking about the baby's!!

We decided that we wanted to know what we were having!!

We also decided that if we have another kid after the twins

that we would probably let it be a surprise!!

But this time!!

We just decided that we wanted to to know this time!!

We were also talking about the baby's rooms!!

We decide that if the baby's

are the same gender

Then we will keep them in the same room!!

Of course if they are different gender than we will put them in different rooms!!

We have plenty of room in our house

so we weren't worried about not having enough room!!

I woke up early again today!!

This time at 7:00

I have been really happy

Because the morning sickness

has been coming later and later everyday!!

Hopefully that means that soon it will just go away

But who knows!!

I started to feel better

At about 9:00

Niall hasn't woken up

To come comfort me

But I didn't mind!!

He and I didn't get much sleep last night!!

So I wanted to make sure

that he could sleep in!!

After I started to feel better I immediately brushed my teeth!!

I then got in the shower!!

Niall walked in to the bathroom

just as I was getting out of the shower!!

I usually would be upset

Bet he is my husband

And I honestly don't care!!

I put my towel on!!

And then Niall came over

And gave me multiple morning kisses!!

I loved him and his kisses

And I don't know what I would ever do with out him!!

Niall gave me one last kiss

and then I went and brushed me teeth again!!

And I didn't brush them because I had just kissed Niall!!

But I brushed them again

Because ever since I started getting morning sickness I had brushing my teeth three or four times a day!!

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