EP 8: Pretty privilege

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Disclaimer: No shade on pretty women (I love ya'll, especially you - Jeongyeon) and by 'conventionally attractive' or 'unattractive' I'm referring to the cookie cutter standards set for women by  capitalism's beauty standards. I personally do not believe women who are considered 'Conventionally unattractive' are ugly or unattractive or unloveable. Quite the opposite. We are the Q U E E N S bitches!

As Namjoon said, "No one is born ugly, we just live in a judgmental society" 



Ok, so honestly I see a lot of things going around on the media about pretty privilege, which is pretty much (pun intended) when you get certain advantages from being conventionally attractive.

Now, of course, there is always two sides to this coin that the 'pretty' people with pretty privilege use in their argument of how being pretty isn't always the best thing. 

One 'pretty' person stated these were some of the disadvantages to being 'pretty': 

1. You're not allowed to have a personality

Ppl just expect that your face is your personality, and therefore you aren't allowed to have any hobbies, likes, dislikes, etc. You're basically just a doll.

2. You're perceived as stupid

As said before, your personality and everything with it is expected to be your face.

3. You're not allowed to feel insecure

You have a perfect body, what are you complaining about? (These aren't my comments by the way I'm just quoting her.)

4. If you feel good about yourself you are overconfident and cocky

5. All men think you're a hoe

They assume you've slept with everyone because you have an attractive face and therefore attract more ppl.

6. Everyone thinks you're mean. 

You can use your looks to get away with anything, right?

Honestly, I think these are pretty legit. I, myself will admit to thinking that a pretty girl was mean because any female friend I've had that was conventionally attractive was mean. Like, they would use their face to convey this sweet angel to others whilst being a complete demon behind closed doors. It got so bad at some points that they would get indignant if I got with a guy or if I had guy friends because they were pretty and I was plain. 

And to be honest, I remember just not liking a girl because she was pretty (and I still feel guilt for this to this day) when I was fifteen, I was super insecure. I would get way more insults than compliments and when I did get compliments my aunty would crush them by saying shit like, "Oh, they just didn't know what to say" and, "they were just being nice." Annndd my aunty wholeheartedly spread her compliments around for anyone else but me. I had two cousins who were thinner and prettier than me  and I was the ugly light skin out of a family of gorgeous darker skinned people - whilst being overweight. 

You could only guess the level of insecurity-

Anyway, I had a crush on this guy named Lachlan at that point (No not the Lachlan from last chapter whom I nearly kasmacked in the face.) And I thought he liked me. I had met him at a youth get together club thing. He was one of the leaders - as in he was 18 years old. (Yes me at 15 liking someone who was way out of my age group...I was a little coo coo in the head, ok?) 

There was a friend of mine who was also Spanish speaking and she was drop dead gorgeous. She was a Colombian, so you don't need to think too hard about her attractiveness. 

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