Episode 23: The dude at the pub

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So I went out for my sister's friend's birthday party this weekend.

We started off at her house and had a little barbeque and cocktails ngl some of them tasted like pure shit - then as the night began to age we went to town (the clubs). We went to the casino first, and it was the first time I had ever been to a casino, at least to the 18+ area anyway. I'm not a gambling person so I sat back and watched them go at it.

Next we took electric scooters from the casino and into town and I'd never ridden on one before so I was literally cackling about it. So, anyway, we started off at a less crowded club which had an outdoor area and we talked up with people there for a bit and then went to the Irish pub which had free entry.

My sister, the birthday girl, her bf and a couple of others sat outside while one girl, Alisha, came and danced with me. Now, when I say the dance floor was crowded - it was crowded. There were so many people inside that we were all like sardines in a can, literally. You brushed up against everyone, male or female, and there was alcohol all over the floor from being spilt.  

Also the music was hella loud like my ears are ringing so bad today-

Anyway, I'm dancing along and then I'm like okay, im fucked now imma go outside with the rest of the group so off i pop, and I go sit down beside them.

A moment later, when the conversation changes, a man comes up to stand beside me. I wasn't phased by this as the bar was hella full and so I assumed he was just looking for a place to stand away from the crowd. But then, he comes up close to my face and asks how my night is. 

Paul looked like he was a plain mix of Adam driver and timothy chamalet. He appeared to be lanky and smelt like he'd had a few drinks. 

I was pretty tipsy so my polite social side came out and I answered that it was going good. Anyway, the conversation continued and I came to learn that allegedly the guys name was Paul. Apparently he could speak some languages. He liked to play guitar and piano, and watch movies like lord of the rings, and he also liked books and had worked in the army but was starting a different job the next day. 

I gave vague responses to his questions and told him I was a writer etc etc. 

I didn't mind the chat with him but there was something vaguely off about him, which I just assumed was the fact that I had never had a guy at the club come and talk to me. Ironically, this happened shortly after I had told someone the same thing so yeah-

Anyway, Paul asks me if I'd like a drink and as I'm not a big drinker and had exceeded my drink limit for the night, I replied with water, and so he asked me to hold his cup so he could get me some water. Didn't really leave me with much of a choice, because he just gave me the cup and walked off. 

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