EP 18: The time I was stalked by a creepy guy at the grocery shop

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Hi, welcome back to-

"I wanted to update but it was too late to write a full chapter for a book so I just wrote some dumb memories here." 

Anyway, I will be updating tomorrow on one of my oldest books - Hunter's Creek. My brain's really stupid because when I saw it in my works on my account I was like ummm wait I wrote this book? And yes, yes I did. 

Unfortunately, however, I had to edit the first few chapters. See, the main character is Filipino and can speak both Tagalog and English fluently. Trying something different with my writing, I decided I would incorporate Tagalog phrases and words into dialogue so it seemed a little bit more authentic. 

The dumb thing was that I didn't give any English translation for the phrases and I had non-filipino readers suggest to me to give English translations. So, yeah. That's done now. I haven't updated that book since August last year and the new update will be coming soon. 


back to the story:

Ok, so at this point I was about 17 years old. I was going to the store with a returning cast member - ✨Chicken wing✨ (Refer to EP 14)

We're heading to the grocery store (where John works) like absolute fashionistas. (Can I just mention here that sometimes there's this guitar busking old guy out the front of the store. His voice sounds like his name is Bob or Ray or Billy Ray Cyrus but his strumming is okay, I guess. Anyway, this dude legit, every time I walk past is staring at me. Sometimes he even stops dead in the middle of a song. It gives me the shits, and I'm not even joking, like it makes me so damn uncomfortable. Legit while he be singing 'Country roads take me home'  it makes me want to be the country roads and he the road kill that I'm taking home-)

Anyhow, before popping by the store, we actually went to an Op shop (Thrift store) and got this random old doll that I thought was pretty cool. It was a little vintage looking ]MF. 

Anybaes, we get to the entry of the store and grab a trolley. Out of nowhere, an old guy appears in front of our trolley  with a big IT smile and before I can tell him to walk his beer gut out of my way, he asks a question about the doll. 

Now, being in an area full of old people, this wasn't exactly out of the ordinary. These old people will start a conversation over just about anything - your hair, the weather, random hallucinatory things they imagine-

They're pretty much lonely - you get the point. Now, if the universe had have granted me grandparents and a sense of compassion, maybe I would have cared, but I lack both, so any sort of smiley reaction I have to them talking to me isn't because I want them to talk to me but because I have been forced into social etiquette and politeness from a young age.

I digress.

So this guy is about 5'5 roughly. He is practically bald and is pregnant and beer is the baby daddy.  His face got that mfing sandpaper salt and pepper pubic hair beard and all over he just look like he about to be put up in a mug shot. 

Anyway, so this man's be like, "Oh, that's a cool doll you got there."

And I'm just like, "Yeah thanks lol" 

*Walks along wondering whether Mortein bug spray works on humans*

The guy follows Chicken wing and I in the store and begins talking random shit. Now, I wasn't really concerned about him at that point and I was too preoccupied with getting shit from the shop so I just let my guy ramble on. 

And then he asks Chicken wing and I our ages. Now, Chicken wing, despite being like 12 at the time was a pretty tall boy. He was about 5'7 and had a man bun. Often he was mistaken for being 14-16 years old. I get mistaken for being the same age, at 21. 

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