EP 19: My trip up north

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(Ya'll im using my grandmothers computer so no memes unfortunately)


I have been gone for a long time-

Um so earlier in February I decided I was going to leave my aunt's and come up north to stay with my other family. My grandmother on my father's side was happy to pay for my flight.

The day before my flight I bought a second hand suitcase that's wheels are just like my brain - the same brain that decided to lock the suitcase with all my stuff in it a couple hours before the flight and without any key or knowledge of the password (It has one of those little number lock things)-

Um so yeah. I had a locked suitcase and no idea how to open it- 

See, in this suitcase the way it locks is the zips get clinked into a little lock at the side of the suitcase and I thought it would be pretty funny to see if it actually works and it did. And I'm fucking stupid. So, I try to wiggle it around and it didn't work. Then I tried lock picking and before yall are like tf how do you know how to lockpick? I think you'll find the answer is in the fact that I couldn't get it open by lockpicking-

So I tried all I could and the dumb zip would not unlock because ig thats what it was designed for. 

Anyway, I go back to sleeping or smth like that, and my aunt says hey, have you got that lock undone and I go back to the suitcase like nope looks like imma have to smash it open when I get up there. I pressed this little black button on the lock and it suddenly decided it was going to unlock and I found out that the random numbers that  i had rolled on it were the correct password numbers so like who's the winner now you fucking suitcase-

So anyway, the next morning my Hispanic ass got itself on board a flight. It was a crazy experience, seeing as though I had never been on a flight alone before. I got there super early so I got to walk around the shops in the airport and bought nothing because it's expensive and I'm broke. 

Anyway, my dumb ass thought that my departure time was 11:20 so I'm in the toilets chilling and looking at my watch which said 10:55 and I'm like should I walk around a bit more or go check the gate that my stupidity is supposed to be waiting at?

I chose the later.

I get there and notice that there is a massive line of people walking into the boarding little bridge looking thing and im like shitty on my titties and i look at my ticket and it actually says 'departure time 10:50' and I'm Ebony I'm 21 and I never fucking learnt how to read-

So yeah I narrowly missed missing my flight.

I sit on there on the window seat and hold my bag to my chest like I'm Jungkook from that one airport photo.

The guy beside me was alright. He was around my dad's age and they shared similar features. He just minded his own business didn't  talk to me the whole time. 

So when I got off I realised that the temperature had risen like a man's banana to at least 10 degrees higher than what it was back at home. I walk into the fucking whatyamacall it (edit: terminal) and my dad who i haven't seen since I was at least 12 was standing there, pointing at me. 

Tbh yall as soon as I saw him I was like fuck he's gotten old. When I was a kid he was a pretty strong guy and now all I see walking into the terminal is this frail, shaking grandpa. Anyway, I hug him and it was pretty awkward since I hadn't hugged him in years and we found my suitcase.

We go to my grandmother's house (who I havent seen since I was 9) and it's pretty nostalgic. I go with my dad back to his place and it's still the same fucking dump I remembered- 

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