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december 2019

its 23:56.

my album's out in 4 minutes, here in the uk. i went to get our take away food, because we decided to do something lowkey. the second i got home though, the house had balloons everywhere and mitch, sarah and a few others are here too.

the surprise was cute and i'm happy all these people are here, but i didn't need anyone but ivy and i'd be happy.

i've never felt this way before. i love ivy more than anything, i want to be with her for eternity, but i don't wanna scare her away. i'm just so extremely happy to have her.

my thoughts are interrupted by mitch and sarah. "midnight!" they both scream and jeff joins in.

i laugh and walk around hugging and thanking everyone. my albums out.

i get to ivy and i chuckle as i stare at her. she looks so happy. "thank you so much, baby." i pull her in.

"you did this. i love you."

"i love you most. dance with me?" i ask her.

she nods and i pull her out where everyone else is swaying around to my music.

"i'm so proud of you, harry." ivy leans her head into my neck.

"i'm proud of you, baby."

"what? you made an album, but you're proud of me for it?"

"proud of you for everything." i pull her head up, so i can kiss her.

ivy's smile is so prominent on her face, which makes me the happiest. "i love you." she mumbles against my lips, before we close the tiny gap.

"okay lovebirds, i wanna dance with ivy now." ivy and i laugh, obviously my mum would want ivy.

ivy pulls away and turns to go with my mum.

"oh she's beautiful, harry." sarah beams as she walks over.

every chance i have to talk about ivy, i'll take. "she really is."

the fact that my family and friends all like ivy makes me the happiest. i mean, i want her to be a part of this family and i want her to be friends with my friends.

"i mean how did you get her. she's got everything, i honestly have a crush on your girl." sarah speaks, smiling over at her and my mum.

i laugh. "i'd like to see you try stealing ivy away from me." i say with a fake confidence.

"oh, just you wait." sarah laughs, as ivy walks over towards us.

ivy comes up to my side and i smirk at sarah. "1-0" i say.

"hey ivy. wanna go on a date with me?" sarah asks.

"i'd love to. tell me when and where." ivy beams.

sarah smirks at me. "point for me right there."

"are you two trying to win points... over me? cause if that's so, i think i'll go talk to jeff a bit." ivy starts pulling away.

"no you won't and no we're not." i say, pulling her in front of me.

"harry was sure, you wouldn't leave him for me, so i had to prove him otherwise."

"oh, you two are crazy." ivy starts off. "i pick sarah." she says sassily and walks away.

"she's so cool." sarah says.

"i'm gonna go steal her back, you go make sure mitch doesn't eat any more cupcakes." we both look over at mitch, who's on his fourth cupcake of the night.

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