twenty seven

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july 2020 (30 weeks pregnant)

ivy's had a rough week. we've been cuddled up in each other for the last many days, as much as she'd let me, we had a little talk about ivy's dad and things went back to normal right away.

this week everything's been weird though. ivy's super distant, she's really uncomfortable and i have no idea how to help her.

i walk back into our bedroom, where ivy's been in bed all day.

"hi baby." i whisper and walk closer.

"hmm." ivy turns onto her back.

i sit down on the side of the bed. "i brought some lunch, if you're hungry."

"thank you, baby. come feel our baby." ivy pushes her hair out of her face.

my smile grows huge from looking at my gorgeous girlfriend and her letting me come close. the last five nights ivy's been taking up most of the bed and i've had to stay on my side, which i don't have a problem with at all, i just wish i could give her cuddles and kisses, but she's not letting me touch her.

"really?" i'm almost shocked.

"mhmm. sorry for pushing you off the bed again last night." she smiles.

my eyes are filled with hearts and i rush over to kiss her, but still lean my body over hers. she smiled. ivy's happiness is my happiness. i'll give her the world to keep this smile on her face.

"look at your pretty smile." i chuckle. "and it's okay. you take however much space you need, pretty girl."

ivy grabs me and pulls me down for a hug. "feel my stomach."

i'm already so filled with joy from being in my girls arms again, so when our baby kicks my hand again and again tears fill my eyes.

these are the moments i'll remember forever. ivy is the one for me and we're starting a family together.

i feel complete.

ivy squirms out of my hold again and i take the hint. when i lean away she relaxes and i'm not gonna lie it hurts a bit, but i try and remember that she's carrying another human, so she's allowed to feel like this.

i go to get up again, but ivy grabs my hand. "stay please."

"baby, i'll give you space-" she stops me.

"no, i'm sorry, im just so uncomfortable and im sweating and i'm disgusting, but keep your hand here." she pulls my hand back on top of her stomach.

my thoughts are everywhere. we stay in this blissful moment, too in love to think straight. my beautiful girl is carrying my beautiful baby and i'll be hers forever. i want to be hers forever.

"baby." ivy gets my attention. "do you wanna come in the bath with me?"

a slight smirks forms on my lips. "you sure?"

"yeah. i don't think i'll feel as disgusting in the bath, so we can lay together." ivy jumps slightly and rests a hand on her stomach. "baby's been wild today."

i chuckle. "c'mon pretty girl, i want a bath."

i help ivy up and off the bed, i turn on the hot water and help ivy strip, before doing the same.

"this is really nice." ivy relaxes into my hold.

i agree. having ivy back in my arms is all i need. "it is."

we sit together in this bed for over an hour. talking and laughing. we're in the middle of discussing baby names when ivy's phone rings.

ivy leans over me on her knees, she leans down to press a kiss to my lips before grabbing her phone. instead of looking at who's calling she leans down for our lips to meet again.

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