thirty one

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october 2020

we've had so many lazy days the last few weeks, but i couldn't be happier about it.

our girl meadow is exactly two weeks today and we're planing on today being another one of those lazy days.

florence is coming over, cause she hasn't met meadow yet and she had something 'mind blowing' to tell me.

harry went for a run this morning, which really is mind blowing, since he's been up half of the night with meadow and now i'm sat breast feeding her, with the sound of a few boys in the park playing football.

i'm watching an episode of friends, since that's become harry and mines show, to kill time. meadows slowly finishing up as i hear the front door open and not long after harry's coming up the stairs.

the door opens. "there's my pretty girls."

i gasp overexcitedly. "daddy's home."

meadow stays still, not having a care for anything but her breakfast.

we both chuckle at that as harry leans onto the bed. he pecks meadows head before puckering his lips for me. "hi baby."

"hi baby." i smile back at my - a bit too - sweaty boyfriend. "go shower."

"that bad?"

i smirk. "you did just come home from a run."

"mhmm and now i wanna kiss my girlfriend."

i move closer to harry, only so he doesn't move further onto the bed before he's taken a shower. "shower and then maybe i'll think about it. not too long until flo's gonna be here either, so get going."

he leans in for a kiss, which i meet before pushing him away.

not even twenty minutes later harry steps back out in nothing but a towel sat just lower than his waist.

meadows sleeping on my body, while i'm still going through friends episodes.

"you're watching friends without me." harry states from the closet.

i don't reply, since i don't want meadow to wake up. harry walks back in with a judging stare.

"come here." i pat the bed and he follows.

now i lean in to kiss him, which puts a big smile on his face.

"now don't act like you didn't watch this episode last night."

harry looks at the tv, then back at me and then at our baby girl. "baby m help me out here. your mummas mean to me." he whispers at her.

we stay sat on the bed, all three of us cuddling and watching friends for an hour or so.

i pass meadow to harry, so i can go get dressed properly. i decide on a pair of jeans with a colorful sweater.

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