thirty seven

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december, 2020

i wake up to an empty room. no harry in the bed and no meadow in her little crib.

panic would've taken over me right away, but i guess harry just woke up and took meadow with him.

i turn in bed and close my eyes again.

this time my eyes open at the sound of the door opening and then harry steps inside.

"came back to kiss you good morning." he speaks and rushes into bed with me. "good morning, baby."

"good morning, where's meadow?" i groan.

harry presses light kisses all over my face. "downstairs with everyone. actually, we should probably get down there, the rest of darren's kids are gonna be here any minute and michals family is coming over."

as soon as he finishes speaking, we hear loud greetings from downstairs.

"that must be them, want me to go grab some food for you?" harry asks.

"that would be great." i reply, so i know i'll have time to get dressed and ready before heading downstairs.

harry stands up again and walks towards the door.

"baby, put on some more clothes." i look at his bare chest.

he laughs, throws on a t shirt and then heads downstairs.

i grab my phone off of the night stand and when i check it, everything around me goes quiet.

the smile harry had brought on my lips falters.

@user: i know right??? she's probably just like her dad.

@username: what's with her dad?

@user: he's literally insane, idk if it's safe that she's got a kid tbh...

@ivybrookupdates: omg you guys need to relax, yes her dad just got three years in prison, so what? that doesn't have anything to do with ivy, other than the fact that he's lied to and manipulated her. please stop this madness, she deserves every bit of love and if that's what harry gives her, i want her with him forever.

i let tears fall down my face. that last comment made brought a smile to my face. i know none of these people know anything about me, but that doesn't mean it doesn't mean the world when you see nice comments or people that stand up for you.

i knew my dad sat in court, would start stuff like this, honestly i was probably stupid for having forgotten about it for a bit.

i just need to remember that they don't know me and the people that do know me, give me so much love and care for me.

i dry my eyes and get dressed. i put on light make
up and decide to wait until maybe tonight to tell harry, just cause i don't want it to ruin the day.

i put on a black pair of trousers, a white t shirt and then a light brown sweater over it. harry walks back in and he places the food at the end of the bed.

"you look incredibly beautiful, baby."

"i love you."

harry places both hands under my thighs and lifts me up. he nudges my face with his until our lips meet and i lean into the kiss.

my hands land on his cheeks. his tongue licks against my teeth and when i let it through, he groans and walks forward, so i'm stuck between him and the wall.

we keep this going. sloppily kissing until i pull away and place my head on his shoulder. "you're incredibly sexy."

harry let's out a breathy chuckle. "i wish i could kiss you forever."

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