Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

The towering building stood before them. Surprisingly, it wasn't that far of a walk for the boys. Crow marveled at the carving in the stone, giving the vines something to latch on to. It was oddly magnificent, with the carvings depicting rain and storms.

Crow went to touch the carvings, but Raven slapped his hand.

"We can't touch anything we don't know about, Ok? Be cautious," Raven warned

"I really don't think that it's a big deal," Crow replied. "Besides, It's not like we're going into Coyote territory. They probably don't roam around here."

"I would still be skeptical. We don't know this area. Just don't get us killed."

"Aye, captain!"

Crow opened the large doors, revealing a big room. There was a chandelier on the ceiling, with fancy chairs around a large table. Everything had some sort of rain memorabilia on it. In between the big staircases at the end of the room was a small waterfall, with koi fish swimming lazily in the pond at the bottom.

"This is huge," Crow marveled. He walked along the walls, looking at the pictures. They all had landscapes with water, calm and serene. Everything was so detailed, as if the creator had decades to make this place. Crow looked up at the chandelier which hung from the ceiling. Its crystals were shaped like frozen rain drops.

"The person who made this must have been very important," Raven commented. "There's no logical explanation for why this could be made by one person. This person must be rich."

"Or maybe they can live forever," Crow commented, looking at the portraits. "This picture looks like it was made thousands of years ago."

Raven walked up and studied it. "That might just be true. You don't know who owns this place, though."

Crow nodded, walking up the stairs. He tried to find where the water for the waterfall was coming from, but he couldn't see anything. It looked like it was operated by magic. He began to walk down the left hall as Raven took the right. Crow peaked into the rooms with several beds. Eventually he found a kitchen with marble countertops. He let out a small 'huh' and kept moving.

The walls weren't as decorated as the main room. They were hollow and empty looking, as if the main room was a facade. Crow cringed, and kept moving to the end of the hall. After checking all the doors, he was satisfied with his search and went to find Raven.


Raven opened the large door at the end of the hall. It had taken some time for him to figure out how to pick the lock, but he had finally figured it out. He could hear Crow jogging down the hall to meet him, so Raven waited for him.

"Whoa. That's something," Crow gaped.

"Yep it is, and I picked the lock. So if you're done looking around, we can go in."

"Yeah, sure. I didn't find anything interesting, anyways."

Raven stepped inside first, looking around the surprisingly dark room. There was a single desk with a chair in the room, as well as an empty fire pit. The room was barren, except for a few empty alcohol bottles littering the floor.

"I don't feel too good about this," Raven commented. "Maybe we shouldn't be here."

"This dude has no windows, Raven! What kind of guy would not want to see the beautiful outside? Estas loco!" Crow exclaimed.

"Or they're just used to the sun being out all the time, and don't want it shining in their eyes while they're trying to rest."

"Still, it's so dark in here. Cold, too. Aye, it's freezing!"

"Yeah, it is," Raven shivered.

"Does somebody even live here?" Crow picked up one of the bottles and studied it. Raven looked at Crow, then at the walls. He could suddenly see a huge shadow appear on the deep blue plaster. Crow dropped the bottle, causing a sharp shattering sound.

"Who are you to be here?"



To be continued.

Next book:

Shot in the Dark

Status: Completed

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