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Akilah was dreading school the next day. She had made a promise to confess her feelings to Jack. She had only known him a few days, but she just felt drawn to him. Every time she thought of him it was like a shock of electricity would zap through her. She was on time today so she walked instead of ran. Once she was at her locker she saw another envelope that read the same thing as the last one. Akilah was already dying for a distraction from Jack so she thought 'why not?' At least mystery man saw more than just a pretty face.

Lunch finally rolled around, and Akilah started walking towards the field praying she wouldn't bump into Jack on the way. She was afraid she'd ruined things between them. The corridors passed and Akilah kept making the turns to get to the field.

After many different doors, turns and hallways Akilah finally reached the field. There was a hooded figure facing away from her. She walked up to him. "Hey." She said. The hooded figure lifted his head up and turned around. Akilah's stomach dropped thirty feet.

"Hi, Akilah!" Jack exclaimed. "I thought you'd leave me on read again." He held out a pink rose. Akilah pushed it away and started shaking her head.

"No. No, no, no! No. No! NO!" Akilah shouted running her hands through her hair. She felt a mix of anger, sadness and confusion. Worst of all, she didn't know why. She decided to ask. "Why Jack? Why? Why not just ask me out! I would've said yes!"

Jack couldn't understand why Akilah was so angry. If she would have said yes what was the problem? "Ugh!" Akilah suddenly groaned. "You've ruined everything!" How could you?" Jack was about to open his mouth when Akilah continued. "I was almost there! All I wanted was to get through high school! Then you show up and make me do things I never knew I was capable of doing. You make me feel things, Jack."

"Akilah," Jack started carefully, "what are you saying?"

"GOD JACK!" She shouted, "I'm in love with you ok? I am hopelessly, madly in love with you! Look I spoke with a wise guy and I realised it. I just can't stop thinking about you! You make me feel free, from school, from expectation and from myself! I have only known you a few days and I get butterflies thinking about you." Akilah started to cry. Not loud - silently - while she continued further. "And I know you would never pick me because I am your total opposite," but Jack wasn't listening. He put his hands on the collar of her short-but-not-too-short dress. Slowly he pulled her closer, as she kept talking Jack silenced her the only way that seemed appropriate. He leaned in and kissed her. Sparks were flying everywhere. He could feel Akilah relaxing into his hands as he pulled her closer still, wrapping his arms around her tight, as if she would  disappear at any given moment.

When they finally pulled apart, they both made eye contact. Then they both broke into smiles. "Akilah Dunes," Jack said slightly out of breath, "did I just steal your first kiss?" Akilah wasn't hiding her blush any more.

"Yes. Yes you did." Akilah breathed also out of breath. Jack felt that there was one more thing to ask before going to maths (Akilah also had maths next period).

Akilah had just experienced the most magic moment of her life. She was in another world. Just her and Jack. "Hey, Akilah?" Jack said locking his hand in hers (his hands were just the right size) she looked up at him. "It might be too soon but I'm accepting applications for my first official girlfriend."  Akilah laughed.

"Well I guess... you and the school could struggle to afford me." She smiled. Jack cried out in joy he picked Akilah up and twirled her round. He looked into her eyes still holding her off the ground. Akilah cupped her hands around his face and kissed him again.

"Akilah! Jack! You have thirty seconds to explain why you are late!" The teacher snapped when the pair entered the class. They were only a minute late but to Miss Pecan they were half an hour late.

"Sorry Miss we got distracted." Jack said, winking at Akilah. "It won't happen again."

"I know it won't Mr Pointer. Unless you and Miss Dunes want to be alone in detention for an hour." The two of them nodded and took a seat next to each other.

"Wouldn't be the worst punishment." Jack muttered. Akilah pushed his leg with hers.

"Ever wonder why she's a divorced middle aged single woman who uses the term mother as a personality trait?" Akilah whispered. Jack snorted while trying to conceal a laugh. The teacher looked but ultimately decided it wasn't worth it. "See what I mean? No one here can touch me."

"I hope that line you just drew doesn't include me." Jack said smirking. He then touched her hand, and her arm and her cheek. Akilah nudged for him to stop, but it was clear that Jack was not going to let this go. The pair sat through the whole of maths and then physics.

After that it was home time. Akilah followed Jack out to the car park. She stopped when she saw the motorcycle. Jack snickered. "Ok, fine! We can walk. You owe me ice cream anyway." He teased. Akilah looked secretly glad. And she was. They both wrapped their hands into one another's.

Akilah rested her head on Jack's shoulder as they started to walk. He finally admitted it to himself. 'God I love her.' As they walked Jack caught sight of Jamal. Jamal winked and Jack shook his head in a silent "not yet" he wasn't sure what to do. He couldn't have a repeat of last time, but then again he couldn't lose Akilah. Never.

Ooh cliff hanger! I know I said I wouldn't post but I had this in the drafts and I thought I'd give you guys some drama to fuel you. But seriously I'm competing tomorrow in an event so... see y'all Monday! P.s. the chapter not including me is exactly 1000 words

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