Always is just a word

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"Charlie." Akilah exclaimed.

"Or Robin?" Jack suggested.

"You want him to be made fun of?" Akilah asked. Jack laughed. "If-"

"When." Jack corrected.

"When we have kids, I'm naming them! You have horrible taste." Akilah said. Jack squeezed her shoulder. She was still lying on his leg and he was still holding her. They looked into each other's eyes. Nothing could spoil their moment.

"What are you doing this Friday?" Jack asked. Akilah was surprised by the question. Friday was date night so she'd be with Jack.

"Getting ready for a date with the most eye-pleasing guy in the solar system." Akilah said turning her focus to the TV.

"Can I meet him?" Jack joked. Akilah liked that Jack was so flirty. He was perfect. "Anyway, I have a huge game that night and I need support."

"Yes I'll be there!" Akilah said holding him closer.

Jack was half pleased that Akilah was coming. Half was happy to spend any time with her then he was worried she'd meet his friends.

Friday came and it was time for Jack to play. He walked onto the pitch and looked about. Yes. There she was. The most beautiful angel he had ever seen in the stands, holding a sign. It read: I love you baby. Akilah knew him so well. Jack's team won the match and none cheered louder than Akilah. God he loved her. "I will never love another woman as long as she loves me" Jack told himself.

The changing rooms looked more like a deranged motorway with no traffic laws. There were people trying to reach the door and the shower at the same time. Jack was fighting off a hoard of teenage boys for a single cookie. He managed to get out alive, but he had to sacrifice his towel. "Hey darling ." Jack panted seeing Akilah.

"Hey! Goddess me, you look like you had a fight with a paranoid goose." She said examining him. It was true though. Jack had a hole in his shirt, his hair had been ruffled and his towel had been stolen.

"Well, well, well." Came a menacing voice. Jack felt his head drop. "Looks like you did it! Well done buddy!" Jamal said patting Jack on his back. Akilah looked from Jack to Jamal.

"What do you mean?" She asked unable to keep her voice steady. "You said you weren't friends!"  Jack's healing heart was slowly being torn apart.

"Me and Jack? No we go way back! In fact, he made a bet. Get you to love him in three weeks and he'd get one thousand dollars." Jamal said through a smirk. Jack couldn't bare to look at Akilah. "Although he extended it to a month and a week in his words: to be sure!"

"J-Jack? I- you're... NO!" She shouted and she ran off.

Akilah was in the bathroom. How could he? She asked herself. The first guy she ever loved! No. Why? What did she do to deserve this? Why would Jack betray her like that?

"Darling? Are you ok?" Asked the demon in human skin.

"I should've known you never loved me!" Akilah said loudly. She heard Jack punch something and storm off. Whatever, she just wanted to get out. As Akilah was leaving, all puffy eyed and red faced, she bumped into a short boy her age. He had dark hair and glasses... "you're the guy from the library!"

"That'd be me!" He said cheerfully. "Elijah Bigns." He said sticking out his hand. Akilah took it. "Let me walk you home. I'll look after you." He said. Akilah needed the support and Elijah was cute.

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