5, Plan

7 1 10

- "Caro! It's 8:45, let's gather up downstairs so we can have dinner together! Also, Wilbur's got a plan!" Tommy inviting me to go to dinner, suddenly. Hell, it scared me.

"Okie Tommy, I'll be there in a minute!" I answered. "Ok! Be quick!" Tommy ordered "yes, okay!" I sighed and began to organise my stuff and keep them in a place they should be kept in. I got up from the bed and walked towards to door. I grabbed the door knob with my right hand then twisted it. I got out of the room and pulled the door back to close.

As I make my way to the staircase, I was met with Quackity suddenly.

"Carolineee" he approached me. "Quackiteeee!" I laughed but then the thoughts well.. they didn't know how to keep quiet. 'Oi, why don't you ask Quackity about the book? He might know anything about it.' I mean.. right.. "Wait- Quackity.. may I ask you something?" He then looked at me, I can see that he was sort of curious. "Anything." He answered.

Quackity's Pov:

"Wait- Quackity.. may I ask you something?" Caroline suddenly approached me again. I'm curious to know what's happening. "Anything." I answered. "Umm, oky.. so.. do you know anything about books? Well, there's this one book that I wanted to read about and the title was 'History Behind Star Wars Galaxy'. George.. well he took the book away from me and threw it away. Do you think he's lying? Or.. have you seen that book anywhere? Or you just don't know about a single thing related to books?" She explained with detailed informations.

Seems like she really is so desperate to read the book. But unfortunately, I didn't know anything about it. I tilted my head 'no' as I say "noooo... I don't know anything related to the book unfortunately. What about it? Tell me." I need to know why she looked desperate for the book.

"But if I tell you, you have to promise me a thing. Don't. Tell. Or. Ask. George. About. A. Thing. Because he will either make fun of me or get mad or even annoyed." She confessed it to me. I then let out a small chuckle. "I won't, Caro. Why should I snitch? Also, why George? Just tell me." I reassured the quite nervous girl standing in front of me.

She sighed "Okay. So, first, I found the book in the library. Secondly, when I wanted to read the book, George suddenly took it away from me and I can see his face impressions whenever the book was in my hands. He'd look very nervous and uncomfortable. There is probably something mysterious that George wanted to hide away from me or anyone else..? But even if he does, what do you think it could be..?" She asks.

My face was scrunched up. "Oh. Nope I don't know anything about the book. But there must be something wrong somewhere. He probably knows something that we or only you don't, since you're still minor" I laughed and messed with her hair. But really, I didn't know anything. I was actually really clueless. Why would George react like that? George must've been hiding something from us.

Caroline's Pov:

His face was scrunched up. "Oh. Nope I don't know anything about the book. But there must be something wrong somewhere. He probably knows something that we or only you don't, since you're still a child." he joked with the last sentence and messed with my hair as I roll my eyes. But still, he didn't seem to know anything. "It's okay I guess. I was just wondering if you know anything related to that book or even George. Anyway, gracias!Is that how you say thank you?" I added and waited for his answer for the last sentence and he smiled brightly "sí, de nada." He winked at me as I laughed afterwards.

Then, we began to make our way downstairs and to the kitchen. Everyone else was there already. Quackity took a sit beside Karl. Karl's left-side was Sapnap and beside Sap was Dream continued with George, Wilbur, Tommy and an empty seat for Tubbo.

I went to the kitchen to see Tina, Hannah, Niki and Tubbo preparing something. Normally, Tubbo is lazy but maybe someone had forced him to help with preparing for the dinner.

"Hello! What's for dinner? Also, why is Tubbo suddenly being productive tonight?" I greeted them excitedly and giggled a bit on the last sentence. The rest of the girls giggled while Tubb, he's just a bit annoyed. "They forced me, why me and not Tommy or anyone else?" He complained. "Ey! I already did what Niki asked for, mate! She asked me to call everyone from upstairs. Don't ever mention my name again for a new task, Tubbo!" Tommy shouted from the dinner's table. Clearly defensive towards his laziness. Everyone just laughed about those two fighting.

Later, I helped them to serve the food to the dining table. Everyone at the table just had their eyes locked into the delicious looking dinner. "OH HHOHOOO, LASAGNA?!!" Tommy excitedly exclaimed whilst rubbing his hands palm together. "Oh, shut up, Tommy. You didn't even help us." Tubbo said and tries to annoy Tommy out. Tommy just answered Tubbo by eye rolling as he was too lazy to come up with another fight.

As time goes by, we began to fill up our stomachs with the scrumptious food that had been served earlier.

Third Person Pov:

As time goes by, they began to fill up their stomachs with the scrumptious food that had been served earlier.

It's currently 9:47 pm and the group of friends had finished their dinner. Suddenly, Tina goes up out of her chair to go to the kitchen and came back with an ice cream cake. When they saw the appetiser, they got really excited as if they've never gotten to see an ice cream cake in a long time.... Which was true.

Back to Caroline's Pov:

"Ice cream! YAYY!" Exclaimed Karl excitedly, you can see that he's really impatient to eat that thing. He's adorable. I just smile at seeing everyone's reaction. Hannah gave each person a bowl and a spoon. We began to cut the cake and enjoy it.

Later, Wilbur starts to talk just like the other day. "Guys, I've thought of a plan to escape this insanity." Wilbur announced to everyone. Some of us smiled and some of us got anxious whilst looking at him. Everybody knows that his plannings are the most weirdest, riskiest, and gnarliest of anybody else's plans in the town, but sometimes his plans work. However, when his plans fail, everyone will be doomed.

Wilbur's Pov:

"Guys, I've thought of a plan to escape this insanity." I announced to everyone. Some of them smiled and some of them got anxious whilst looking at me. "Everyone, calm down, please" I let out a chuckle. "The plan isn't that scary. But it is risky, like always. It's not life without problems, right?" I added before explaining the plan. Everybody nodded, agreeing with the last sentence that escaped my lips.

"The plan goes like this... We will be separated into 2 groups or more. Half of us will find the Vader and the other half will distract the stormtroopers. Once we found Vader, we must go back home to get some rest for the following tasks. Are you guys okay with it?" I explained whilst everyone on the dining table looking at me concentrately.

"...I'm okay with it. I've prepared some weapons." Dream said with a small smirk on his face. He almost looked excited to kill every enemies. Scaaaary... "Great! Let's see them." I'm actually curious to see the weapons. I mean, I haven't seen one in a long time anyway.

Dream's smirk grew wider as he gets up out of the chair and went to grab the weapons, I'm assuming. "Come on, everybody!" He invited everyone to follow his steps to see the stuff.

As time goes by, we were finally there. Infront of Dream's room door. He opened it and waved his hand as a sign to enter the room. He then lead us to his closet. He opened it and believe it or not, there a LOT of defensive weapons in there. I'm not really surprised to be honest. Dream used to be the scary guy after all..

"WHOA HOHOOOO DREAMM" exclaimed Tommy, excitedly. Everyone let out a little laugh. Tommy was always so excited for these type of things but he doesn't like being in danger, of course. But I feel relieved when he's reacting like that. Normally, he'd get anxious.


A/N : WOO I haven't updated in a week magosh HAHAH

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