Jinx and Titans

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After school on friday a few of.my friends and I.had after school band practise. More than half way through the class, I jinxed my friend, and added that "its friday" however she.reminded me that we were under a roof :-(

So of course my imagination had to imagine a scene where the same events happened, except at the end, after my friend told me that we're under a roof, I imagined a titan (from attack on titan) ripping the roof of above where my friend was standing, right after she said that were under a roof, so I could say: no, you're not. And she'd owe me pop or something assuming that the titan didnt eat us.

What is the traditional thing to do after you get jinxed? Honestly, I probably say jinx ten times a.day and dont know what to.do if I actually jinxed someone, or.got.jinxed myself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2015 ⏰

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