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"But mom, dad I don't want to leave

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"But mom, dad I don't want to leave." I said pleading knowing there was no way of changing my parent's mind

" We don't have a choice, sweetheart." My mom said moving a box

"The summer before freshman year was supposed to be my summer."

"The summer I had my amazing glo-up. "

"Sweetheart you can still have your "glo-up" before high school plus it will be even better because no one knows you."

" I guess but I would have to make all new friends and I would have to lose the ones I have. "

Maybe it would be good for me to make all new friends but I would never tell my parents that. I also can't imagine losing Khalil, my closest and best friend ever. 

"You'll have the last week of summer and all of freshman year for that."

"No, not if everyone already has their friend groups and knows each other."

"Well then you can join a friend group and think on the bright side it's a fresh start."

"Uhgg I can't stand you or dad." I said stomping up the stairs

" There's no point in fighting it were moving, except it." My brother said peaking his head into my doorway

"Vete a la mierda"

[Go to hell]

"I love you too Bri Bri" He shut my door before I could launch one of the very few pillows I had left at his head

He knows I hate that nickname. I don't know why he insists on calling me that. He's probably doing it just to annoy me. You know one day I'm just going to... My thoughts were interrupted as a knock came to my door.

"Ella it's me can I come in?" I glanced over to the mirror to make sure I looked decent

My hair was messy in its claw clip and my shirt was ruffled from the way I was laying on the bed but it's fine.

"Yea come on in" I said, stuffing some books into a box.

" I see your enjoying packing for the move"

"Can't you see I'm just ecstatic" I said plastering a fake smile on my face

" Bro don't worry it'll be fine and we'll still talk"

"Your only saying that because your not the one who has to move"

"And who said anything about us not talking" I questions raising an eyebrow at him

"Woah calm down there missy I'm just saying isn't that what normally happens when a best friend moves away"

I shot him a glare " yea I mean I guess"

"See you know I'm always right and you love me for it"


[shut up]

"sai che mi ami"

[you know you love me]

"That's so unfair you know I don't understand Italian"

"I don't understand Spanish but you don't hear me complaining now do you"

"Just hush and help me pack"

"qualsiasi cosa tu dica"

[whatever you say]

" stop that no more speaking in languages I don't understand" I said shooting him a glare

"mi mancherai" I shot him one last glare

[I'll miss you]

"Ok I surrender" He said putting his hands up in the air


This is a repost of the first chapter because I accidentally deleted it. These are purely my thoughts and I am writing whatever comes to mind. I don't know how often I'm going to update but I have a few days off of school so I can write some chapters. I will say the first chapter is a backstory in a way and then the second chapter is going to be the move and then there is going to be a time jump. I'm still coming up with ideas and figuring  some stuff out about this story so bear with me. I am open to any thoughts, ideas and constructive criticism. Any rude comments or messages can fuck off.


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