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I saw her

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I saw her. I cant believe that after all these years I finally got to see her again. When we bumped into each other at the club it was like she changed but yet stayed exactly the same. She still had that same exact attitude and fire in her eyes. But her appearance was so much different she had lots of tattoos covering her legs stomach and probably her arms. She grew her hair out it was always long but now it reached her mid back almost down to her ass. Then we kissed and it was like a breath of air I didn't know I needed I could kiss her all day but wanted to do so much more. I wonder why she just stood there and let me hold on to her knowing damn well that she could have fought and possibly gotten out of my grasp within seconds. Shit, I was just lucky she didn't attempt to put a bullet right in between my eyes. Briella isn't a part of the Mafia like I am. Since we grew up together our parents had us train together. I would be lying if I said she could not kick my ass because she definitely can and most defiantly has. That girl is complete and utter perfection today made that even more abundantly clear. After she moved we lost contact over the years but I never stopped thinking about her. She and I just have this connection that is unexplainable. I can see it in her eyes that she's been through some shit through. A knock on my door broke me out of my thoughts.

¨Come in¨

¨ You said you wanted to see me boss¨

" I need you to follow someone for me"

"Yes sir who is it"

" Her name is Briella Ivy Rose Pierce". I showed him a picture of Briella and gave him her location.

" Do you just want me to watch her or get information out of her as well"

" What the fuck did I ask you to do just follow do you hear me no harm is to come to her at all not from you not from anyone protect her with your life. But be secretive don't let her know you are there. I swear if there is so much as a scratch on her I will put a bullet in between your eyes." Why can't people just do as I ask without asking stupid questions. Its only when I threaten them that they get it through their thick skulls and do as I ask.
" Yes boss "

He turned around and walked out after that. If Briella knew I had security following her she would kick my ass. I got up and poured myself a glass of whiskey and sat back down at my desk. I looked down at the papers on my desk. Another drug shipment has been stolen by the fucking Russians. The Russians think by stealing my drug shipments they can be the number one mafia. These fuckers don't know who they are messing with.
A text from my brother pulled me out of my thoughts once again
Failed Replacement :
Mom said she wants you home from the main house in Italy.
Tell her I can't I still have work to do here
Failed Replacement:
She said your work can wait and if you aren't home tomorrow in time for dinner she will be throwing all of your shit in the pool and disowning you as her child.
Tell her I'll be home tomorrow and I will be leaving Italy in the morning
Failed replacement:
She said thats what I thought

I can't leave Italy yet but I will not disobey my mother because that woman is scary as fuck. Unable to do any more work I went to my room and drifted off to sleep. With Briella on my mind.


This is just a small filler chapter just to give some explanation. Since I have nothing better to do I'm going to start writing at work because then I can actually be entertained.(I finished and posted this chapter at work). Some more characters are about to be introduced or reintroduced so be ready. Can we talk about Khalil wanting to protect Briella so cute. Failed replacement is Khalil's brother James. All the Italian mothers I've read about are the sweetest human beings on planet earth but are scary as fuck and you cant tell me I'm wrong. This was not how the chapter was suppose to go but because I'm me decided to revamp the last chapter and this one.
Lots of Love


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