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6 years later

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6 years later

" Si mamá I remembered to put extra toiletries in my suitcase. Even if I run out I can always go and buy more."
" I know hija. You know that I never liked you leaving."

" I know"

" So imagine how feel about the fact that you are going to be gone for a summer"

" Ok but remember it's just one trip I'll be going on with my friends and Tyler which you have met. "

" All of your friends are fine but Tyler honey I  know he's your boyfriend but I don't trust him."

" You know what mom I'm done and I have a plane to catch so I think we should get going." I said  storming out of the room not wanting to hear anything else from my mother.

The whole car ride was filled with a silence with neither me nor my family daring to challenge it. After what seemed like forever we arrived at the airport. I couldn't tell you how thankful I was because I could not take another minute in that car.  My dad gets the bags out of the car and I got ready to say my goodbyes.

"If you ever need anything just let me know and I will be on the first flight out no questions asked".

" Ok Chase good to know " I said laughing

"Oh my poca luz  I love you so much I am going to miss you and seeing your smile every morning"

[little light]

" Papá stop your going to make me cry" I said sniffling and blinking away tears.

"Oh mi amor I'm so sorry about earlier of course I trust you and know that you will be safe just make sure to have fun and don't forget to call ok".

"Don't worry mamá I will and I'll send pictures ok."

"Bye guys I love you ."

"We love you too." They all said simultaneously.

With that I turned around and walked into the airport ready to get my summer started.


Heyyyyy so funny story about when I was writing this I was trying to get the accent over the a and in doing so I deleted all of the fully finished writing I had done. Here's the kicker I didn't save it to google docs or on here so I went into full fledge panic mode trying to get it back because I really didn't feel like remembering what I had wrote and rewriting it. Did you know that Wattpad has a revisions button for when your writing cus I sure did not. Anyways I found it and it was a life saver because I was able to bring back the version I wrote before I deleted it all. I am so ready but also not ready for what's about to happen next which is why this chapter is so short its kinda like a filler. I'm going to try to update more regularly but its lowkey hard with school seeing that I don't even do any of the school/homework I'm given but I'll try. Thank you to whoever's story I was reading who reminded me that I had to do a A/N to be able to publish this chapter. Anyway thank for reading this little rant of mine if your are reading this. Don't forget to vote and comment and message with any suggestions. Lots of love.


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