Chapter 2

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As you laid restless in your covers, the moonlight from your window illuminated the cracks in the walls, the faint rumble of the waterfall outside. On most nights, the roaring of the giant falls helped drown out your thoughts and let in tranquility of sleep. But this time, it only enraged your anxieties, the swirling of dread in your stomach almost unbearable.

It wasn't until the early morning hours that allowed a semblance of rest, but that alone was not enough for the day ahead. You were found drowsily pouring a cup of tea for your lady in the kitchen, a constant energized doll behind you talking your ear off about unnecessary things, like how cherry seeds were considered poisonous. You couldn't really care at that moment, you were too exhausted to take part in Angies ramblings. As you dropped two sugars into the tea and set them on a platter, you noticed the lackluster strength in your arms as you carried it down to Lady Benevientos study.

There it took you several moments to conjure up the energy to present yourself. You tapped the door with little interest, waiting to hear the order of entry.

"Come in," the usual rasp of Lady Benevientos voice said. It was always like that in the mornings, you would always swoon after it, but today you couldn't bring yourself to care.

Upon entering, you scurried to her desk to set the silver plate down and stood with your hands to your stomach, waiting like always to hear your chores for the day.

Lady Beneviento took her teacup and it disappeared under her veil as she took a sip. She did not move her head the slightest toward your direction. Clearly disinterested with you. A pang of hurt hit you in the chest, but you pushed it aside. This is how it's always been.

Finally, after she found it appropriate, she looked at you, her teacup now half empty of her sugared tea. "My sister, Lady Dimitrescu, is going to stop by around noonish to have a portrait repaired," She said with a flat tone, "Would you be so kind as to provide her some company as I will still be busy for a some time?" She kept her focus on you, almost to make sure you wouldn't reject such a demand. As much as you wanted to hurl from the fear of her sister, you knew you couldn't refuse this. 

The well-known Lady Dimitrescu was surrounded by horrific rumors, whether they be true or not, they had to come from somewhere. You had only caught a glimpse of her the one time she came to visit. You had just finished your chores and were ordered to clean the tea room, when you looked out the window to spot Lady Dimitrescu step into her carriage. It was that little moment that you understood why the rumors came to fruition, she was unbelievably tall with a menacing air to the way she carried herself.

And now you were expected to entertain her? What made you a spectacle of interest? Surely, Lady Beneviento didn't expect you to stay in her sister's presence for too long. So many things could go wrong. You knew the diet of the Dimitrescu occupants, you knew those  rumors were true as you had been witness to the many women that never went back to their homes. And the blatant confession of Lady Beneviento. She was the one to break the nauseating news to you after all. There was only suspicion before that.

"And one more thing, Dolcezza." The lady said, effectively rousing you from your thoughts. "Lady Dimitrescu is not only dangerous, but she has a great influence on Mother Miranda, so please-" She cut herself off, a slight tremor to her words. "Do not make yourself so... readable. She may want to keep you." At that a drop of panic almost collapsed on you completely. Did it mean that your position here could be jeopardized? But then why was Lady Beneviento insisting that you even come close to the tall lord?

"Then why-" You couldn't put out another word when your lady shot her hand up, a clear sign that you shut up. You obeyed instantly, before bowing your head and excusing yourself.

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