Chapter 3

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Little disclaimer: this chapter has adult themes. Explicit scenes in the end. It does get cut off, I was unable to write the rest. Please enjoy

On the evening of the fourth day or so was when you finally had the dull hunger invade your every thought. You had starved yourself for longer than you had ever succumbed to, including the days before your employment with the fourth lord. You have gotten used to the healthy standards of meals and proper sleep. But the past days had surely felt like those desolate times of poverty and loneliness. Perhaps not so much the poverty, as you had just simply refused the food given to you. You never let it in your sights, not bothering to receive it.

But when the irresistible waft of something savory filled your lungs, you were hit with the desire to fill the endless pit of your stomach. Nearly blubbering into your pillow, you finally gave in, hefting your weary bones; you got to your feet and chafed your way to the hallway. 

The home was dreary, considering that you hadn't been given much of an effort to liven it up. The aroma in the air was a big contrast to the gray snowy weather seeping its depression through the windows. The stark cracks in the glass reflecting your retrospection in the moments of low spirits you found yourself in.

Wood croaked underneath your weight as you stepped down to the ground level, mindful to keep away from the planks you knew would scream if you stepped on them. When you neared the door to the dining room, a harsh cold snaked up your back, ruffling your hair. Goosebumps spiked out, a cloudy exhale of your breath visible. With a caution that could subdue a timid squirrel, you glanced behind to reveal the open front door. The middle of winter rushed in, its terrible claws inching ever closer to the warmth of the foyer. You turned yourself fully to the raging storm, coming to a halt at the threshold, your hand reaching for the hefty entrance.

Just as you were about to shut the door, something caught your attention. It was the fleeing adrenaline of freedom. The opportunity was right there, luring you in by the false hope of your family still out there wishing you to come home. A shaky breath left you as you took a minute step out, your barren legs seizing up from the punching wind. But your body ignored the dangers of the cold. It only focused on a pipe dream of a loving family.

You didn't even get past the porch when a wake up call came in the form of a fluttering crow, its beating wings echoing in the snowfall. Then came another, then another. A whole murder crowding the railings and windowsills. 

Rule number three: Never leave the mansion without permission.

A violet crash of anxiety plummeted in your stomach, the realization horrifying as you gawked at the flock. This was no coincidence. The Black God herself  must have been watching. She probably sent the birds to warn you before anything dire became of you. What were you thinking?

You rushed back inside, slamming the door with too much force. Leaning on the wall for support, you let your frozen body thaw out. An unwanted reminder fronted in your mind, an indication of no family. Just a deadbeat father.

You were here for a reason. Working for the Beneviento household. No other place was better than here. Warm food, a soft bed, dolls for company, and a matriarch that confused and hurt you. But most of all, you were safe and well here. That was as good as it was going to get.

An angry growl coming from your abdomen awakened the hunger that you felt prior, making you move forward. Once deeper inside the house, the same smell of bread and rosemary egged you on.

A wandering thought came about when you passed your Lady's bedroom. What was she up to? You knew she wasn't the best at taking care of herself, and part of that was the isolation she's lived in. Guilt pooled in your stomach when you realized how much you neglected her. Your feelings could wait, she needed the support of another more than anything.

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