Chapter 9:

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Romano P.O.V

After an hour we arrived at the nearest hospital. They quickly took Antonio and tried to resuscitate him. I had to sit in the waiting room. All i could do at this point was pray. I took out the rosary that i always wear on my neck, the one Granpa Rome gave me and prayed.

Ave Maria,
piena di grazia,
Il Signore è con te.
Tu sei benedetta tra le donne
E benedetto è il frutto del tuo seno, Gesú.
Santa Maria, Madre di Dio,
Prega per noi peccatori,
Adesso e nell'ora Della nostra morte.


After a few hours Feliciano showed up. He ran to me and hugged me tightly as i cried into his shoulder.

"Belgium told me what happened" he said

"I-It was me... its all my fault" i said

"No its not, you had no idea where you were shooting"

"B-But for my careless actions... Spain could be..." I said crying louder

"Dont say that! He'll be fine" he said as he embraced me tighter.

After a while i calmed down and sat down next to Feli waiting for the doctors to come back


After a while the doctor came to the waiting room and i ran towards him

"Is he ok?!" I said, fear evident in my eyes.

"He is fine, he just fainted from bloodloss but he is going to be just fine, he is a lucky one, the bullet almost pierced his heart" he said

Relief washed over me as i heard him say that Antonio was alright.

"Can I see him?" I said

"Of course, but he is probably sleeping, try not to wake him up, he needs his rest" the doctor said as he left

I walked towards the hospital room and saw Antonio resting peacefully, his face had regained color and he was back to normal. I sighed and sat next to the bed.

"Antonio... I'm soo sorry" i said as i held his hand, our fingers entertwined.

"L-Lovi..." he said as he slowly started to wake up

He looked at me and smiled brightly.

"I-Its ok Lovi, I forgive you" he said weakly.

His grip tightened on my hand as i started to cry again. He wiped my tears away with his thumb and caressed my cheek

"Dont cry, i'm ok, see?" He said

I got up and pressed my lips against his. My happiness overflowing. He slowly kissed back and we just melted into eachother into a sweet, loving kiss.

We pulled away as the need for air was getting worse. He looked deeply into my eyes, lovingly.

"I love you, Antonio" i said

"I love you too, Lovino"

We then shared another intoxicating kiss.

I'm sorry (Spain x Romano)Where stories live. Discover now