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"You are tense, Clint," With their backs turned toward each other, Laura cradled their almost two-year-old son tenderly and lovingly in her embrace as she rocked him to sleep. Her husband attended to their three-month-old daughter's diaper change on the opposite side of their spacious bedroom inside the New Avengers compound.

"How can you tell?" Did he seriously ask a former SHIELD agent, a current SWORD agent, and his wife of one year how she could tell that he was tense?

"Have you forgotten that I am a former SHIELD agent, a current SWORD agent, and your wife of one year? How wouldn't I be able to tell?"

"Right, dumb question."

"So, what is on your mind?"

"It is just this whole situation, especially with Steve and Romanov now on the loose."

"I know, I don't like it either, but that is not the only problem that is bothering you. I noticed the way you glared at the Mind Stone and how you hugged Lila closer to you."

"Well, can you blame me? The Mind Stone and I have a... History."

"Clint, it wasn't her fault."

"But still, I remember her voice in my head after Loki brainwashed me. How she completely took over my mind, manipulated so many thoughts in my head, and forced me to do things that I never wanted to do. I still have memories of what I had done prior to the first Battle of New York. In that sense, she reminds me of Wanda. Of how she secretly brainwashed me after Ultron, and no one noticed at all. I still don't understand how I escaped from that. And did I forget to mention that her activation caused the creation of Ultron?"

"Clint, she had no control in that situation. Loki exploited her to brainwash you, and Thanos controlled her to brainwash him. What else could she have done but do their bidding? I don't know much about Ultron because you would rarely talk about it, but do you honestly think that she did it on purpose?"

"I don't know. Probably not."

"I am sure that she feels terrible about it. Besides, you were willing to give Loki another chance, so why can't you grant her the same treatment?"

"... Ok, you win. I will try to act civil around her. After all, if these new threats are so dangerous to the point where the Infinity Stones have to step in and even out the battlefield, then it would be better for everyone if we all trusted each other and maintained civility with each other." Clint wrapped up Lila's diaper change and settled her into her crib. He often had a better naptime success rate with Lila than with Cooper, as she gave him an easier time by instantly falling asleep as soon as her back hit the mattress. In contrast, Cooper would fuss around and cry until Laura worked her maternal magic and immediately calmed him down. It was always hilarious to see the dumbfounded and almost envious expression on Clint's face when that happened.

"Our children are wonderful, aren't they?"

"Yes, they are. Cooper has inherited his dad's handsome and rugged looks, and Lila looks more and more like her beautiful mother every day. I hate that our jobs constantly put them in danger."

"I know, and I hate it too, but at least we have the training, ability, and resources to protect them, most especially you with your powers."

"Only for emergencies. Other than that, I would prefer if I never have to use them. And I hope that the kids never inherit those same abilities. They deserve a normal childhood and not have to deal with the pressure and stress of being an enhanced kid."

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