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The Time Stone or... Thomas. It would take him a while to adapt to that name. It was an admirable gesture by those children, but sometimes, it was too elementary to remember such inconsequential concerns.

Thomas couldn't properly articulate his ventures into the circumstantial universes because he had done it too often since his creation, or birth as the mortals commonly deemed it. Still, at those occurrences, he had all the time in the world (no pun intended) to explore his realm's infinite boundaries and organize a strategy to improve another universe's outcome. He was content with that; it was what he was created to accomplish. He was the Time Stone; he had to know everything. It was within his existence's requirements.

Great, now he had to deal with these wayward emotions. It was just what he needed at this moment. Perhaps it wasn't such a brilliant idea to change into a human body. How did these mortals tolerate these thoughts constantly? He was the one with the least demanding and taxing assignments. He was the composed and evenhanded one, third only to the Space Stone, Spencer, and the Power Stone, Phoebe, respectively. He should never have to worry about the unknown. And yet, in this one circumstance, he didn't know the answer to the inevitable outcome. It was impossible that he couldn't foretell it. How could he not have known?

What sorcery had those menaces enchanted onto Thomas? Was it even conceivable that a mere mortal could dominate and overpower an omnipotent immortal?

Mia warned the New Avengers teams about a recent development with Wanda Maximoff. She apologized and admitted her information withdrawal about the situation. What did it matter? Wanda Maximoff was neutralized; it was one threat no one needed to worry about anymore. However, if Parker Robbins somehow detained and counterbalanced Wanda Maximoff, then he must have done something to restrain Thomas's abilities. What other logical explanation was there?

Perhaps some time (no pun intended) alone in his domain would alleviate his wayward and unwarranted thoughts. It was such a complicated abstract to possess such an unshackled and liberated mind.

His realm delivered him with a sense of control and serenity, but then, it is assumed that all the Infinity Stones had equivalent domains. What would Thomas know? He had never even seen them; he wasn't allowed to travel through domains, or rather, Spencer and Phoebe wouldn't authorize him or anyone else to traverse through each others' domains. Thomas never understood it, a rare occurrence, but he also never questioned it. It wasn't within his business to mistrust others' decisions, but it didn't prevent him from seeking answers to unknown inquiries.

Anyway, Thomas and the Infinity Stones often speculated what the others' domains looked like. At most, Riley, Samuel, and Mia had assumed his realm was burdened with clocks and other chronographs because he was the Time Stone. Admittedly, Thomas couldn't stand those infernal contraptions on occasion. Even he, as the Time Stone, required a break from those horrendous ticking sounds, so he never materialized them when his realm was concocted. However, they were correct about one aspect: the room was a mystical green, the same color as his stone physique. Thomas believed that Samuel mentioned that he had two endless rivers that consistently ran through his realm: The Elysium and Tartarus Rivers (Samuel was obsessed with religions and mythologies). Thomas had one central river called the Epoch River (He was the Time Stone, and it was his realm. Why wouldn't he name one creation based on time?).

Thomas materialized six levitating islands, but one remained as his dearest creation. It stood out by its most delicate and serene ambiance. Thomas would never admit it or would even deny it if anyone asked, but this island featured a lush green yoga mat that comfortably rested on its surface, inviting Thomas to partake in some rejuvenating yoga exercises. The yoga mat was surrounded by a dense backwoods that created a natural boundary, providing a sense of privacy and seclusion. The tranquil sounds of chirping birds, rustling birds, and delicate cascade gushing enhanced the ideal serene and naturalistic ambiance. Overall, it provided solitude and natural rejuvenation to anyone who sought it, primarily Thomas.

Thomas, as he had done many times in the past, settled down onto the smooth mat. He took a moment to adjust his posture and clear his mind. Sometimes, Thomas closed his eyes, but now, he took in the view, allowing the beauty and sounds to capture him in a self-induced meditation. It was all he needed. Again, Thomas would never admit it to anyone, but he craved the world's silence; it was his only escape from his relatively harsh reality. But in the meantime, he would tolerate all that his occupation required. How could he not? What would the others say about that? Thomas didn't need that additional strain, especially with the already tense situation. For now, he would do what he always did: never worry about it. It worked for Thomas in the past; why wouldn't it work for him now?


Riley stretched out and unwound on the couch, more uninterested and bored in her current situation. Sure, she should have been concerned or dreaded about these new threats or those idiotic Avengers. She was the Reality Stone; it was only a matter of time until she became disillusioned and disengaged about the world's harsh realities (no pun intended). Great, now she sounded like Thomas. Anyway, she learned never to attach herself too closely to these mortal universes. It was easier not to care because the world never did. Everyone only cared about their own self-interests; they only wanted the attention or the power.

Mia understood it; she experienced the world's cruelty and savagery, but she never wanted to discuss it with anyone, so Riley never inconvenienced her. Besides, it wasn't like Riley was ever close with Mia anyway. Well, admittedly, Riley wasn't that close with anyone. Only with Samuel, Thomas, and Spencer by a margin, but only because Spencer always attempted to bolster harmony with everyone. Thomas', Samuel's, and Riley's abilities and domains overlapped on occasions.

Riley was too accustomed and desensitized by each universe's brutality and heartlessness, so she might have come across as brutally honest and direct. Everyone always had their attention on Mia. Mia was the youngest; she was the one who underwent those torturous experiments; she wasn't as jaded or disenchanted about her initial viewpoint on the world's goodwill. It never mattered. Riley wasn't the one who craved attention or sympathy, but others shouldn't expect her to hand it out 'on a limb.' It sounded callous and unnecessarily petty, but it was how the world operated.

Besides, no one ever talked about how Mia had deliberately withheld crucial knowledge about Wanda Maximoff, but throughout that whole discussion, no one lectured her about her potentially dangerous actions. At this rate, with how much everyone coddled and pitied her, she was heading in Wanda Maximoff's direction.

No, that was such an overreaching statement. There was no need to make such a conclusion. Anyway, what those moronic ex-Avengers never realized was that they had already earned and squandered their 'five seconds of fame.' It was as that commonly used statement asserted: 'Die as the hero or live long enough to become the villain.' However, were the original Avengers ever heroes? No, they acted like any other human being in each universe, primarily those ex-Avengers: self-centered, reckless, nonsensical, and insensitive. It was always about power and self-interest; it was never about anyone other than themselves and their needs, but they always claimed it was all in justice's name.

Well, here was what those idiots never understood about justice: it was boundless and poetic. It never liked when mere mortals corrupted it to satisfy ambitions and interests. When the time was proper, it would come back to haunt those who misused it, either in the universe's agenda or by another mortal. In other words, those ex-Avengers wouldn't know what hit them when justice accomplishes her vengeance, and Riley couldn't wait until the reckoning commenced.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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