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"Welcome to the cause, Ms. Maximoff. I can assure you that you will not regret this decision." Wanda nodded with a small smile that practically screamed caution and uncertainty. Honestly, Natasha couldn't blame her. There was still something sinister and untrustworthy about Parker Robbins. Still, at the same time, he came across as so genuine and transparent about his motives that it was almost impossible to accurately pinpoint his underlying objective. "Now that we have everyone present and on board with the plan, allow me to take a moment to explain the importance of the Infinity Gems to the universe's existence and how Tony Stark is even more dangerous as long as they remain in his grasp." With the remaining seven magical stones in his possession, a virtual presentation materialized with the rotation of a royal blue gem at its center.

"First, the Space Stone. It controls and represents the aspect of space. Most users primarily utilize it to travel anywhere in the universe through the use of portals. Theoretically, it will even enable teleportation into other dimensions. However, it could also manipulate the size of any object.

"Next, we have the Power Stone. The gem allows the user to access any and every power in existence and can boost the effects of the person's current strengths. What some don't realize about it is that the stone also can duplicate and grant unlimited power. Potentially, with its power, it may bless the user with the ability to manipulate another person's abilities.

"The Time Stone. This gemstone will allow the user to have total control over the past, present, and future and grants the ability to see visions of a potential future. A person could also manipulate the past and future, deage or age a person, and slow down, stop, or speed up all aspects of time. And obviously, time travel comes with the package.

"The Reality Stone. This one will allow the user to fulfill their deepest desires, even when it contradicts scientific and universal laws. Technically, like the Time Stone, this gemstone could enable the person to alter their own universe, as well as visit other dimensions and change them.

"The Soul Stone. From my observations, it is one of the more complicated and dangerous gemstones, although some may disagree. Out of all the gems, this one has shown to have absolute sentience, a hunger for souls, and could corrupt the other stones and people with its power. With its strength, the user could potentially have total control over all life in the universe, even those who have passed on. The user could steal, manipulate, and alter dead or living souls and allow the person to travel into the Soul Realm. Similar to the Power Stone, this gemstone could steal the abilities of others.

"Lastly, the Mind Stone. Ms. Maximoff, I have no doubt that you are the most familiar with this gemstone. This extraordinary gem has been seen as the manifestation of the universe's subconscious. It will allow the user to have strengthed and enhanced mental and psychic power, allowing them access to the thoughts and dreams of others.

"Six individually and incredibly powerful gemstones. But only together will the person have unlimited and eminent power. However, that same immense power comes at a cost."

"What cost?" Steve questioned with a hint of skepticism and mild irritation.

"The intensity of the gemstones. Even having mere contact with one of them will be too much for a mortal to handle; it will completely incinerate you, turning you into a pile of ash. One of the reasons it still confuses me on why Tony Stark, someone who is no more than a mere mortal even with his Extremis abilities, is able to handle the potency of all six Infinity Gems."

"So, are you saying that you are not human?" She always knew there was something suspicious and inherently evil about Parker, but his existence as a non-human never crossed Natasha's mind.

"Well... not entirely. I am a human, a human with supernatural artifacts and more power than you could ever understand." Natasha didn't know why, but that almost sounded like a threat. "Anyway, enough about me. We need to train your new and, in the case of Ms. Maximoff, old abilities, but in order to do that, we need the assistance of a new friend."

"What new friend? You have mentioned them all this time, and so far, we haven't met them," Steve argued in an even more frustrated and irritated tone.

"Patience, Mr. Rogers," Parker hushed Steve in the quietest voice, although Natasha detected a hint of suppressed annoyance. "Follow me." Although confused, Natasha, Steve, and Wanda abided and stood up to follow him, but Parker raised his palm toward Wanda. "Except you, Ms. Maximoff. There are other plans made specifically for you." That sounded more ominous than it needed to be.

"We are a team, and we stick together. Whatever you have planned for her, we all must be involved."

"Apologies, Mr. Rogers, but like you two, she needs more time and practice to understand her powers, and the only way for her to understand is to be privately trained by someone who knows the Infinity Gems better than anyone else."

"I will accept," Wanda answered quietly. That confirmation resulted in a sinister smile forming on Parker's face.

"Very good. Come along, Mr. Rogers and Ms. Romanov. We have some business to attend to."


"You both wanted to meet this new friend of mine. Now you will have the chance."

"How did you meet him?"

"We met after the Infinity Gems came into my protection. He wasn't like the others. He wanted them for the same reason I did."

"To protect them?"

"To learn more about them; to understand their power. We bonded over that knowledge and desire to keep them out of selfish hands. He wasn't there when Tony Stark stole them that day, a mistake that he never attends to make again."

"After we help you get back the Infinity Stones, what will happen to Tony?" Tony might have caused this whole mess and destroyed the family we built together, but that didn't mean Steve wanted to cause any severe harm to him. He only wanted him to understand that his actions have consequences.

"He will be taken care of, but if you are asking if any serious harm will come to him or his team, rest assured, there are other and more effective ways he will suffer the consequences."

"Good." In another and more hidden room, there was an, even more, darker atmosphere than the previous ones; it made it more ominous in that sense. What if Natasha was right? What if it was a trick? No! That was impossible. Parker believed and trusted in the real heroes—the ones who always tried their best to save as many people as they could. Tony never understood that. He never trusted Steve, and he constantly questioned his judgment and leadership. What made everyone think Tony could ever belong on the Avengers when he never worked well with the team or respected Steve's authority?

"Wait here. He will appear momentarily." As if on cue, mysterious black smoke materialized out of the ground. Natasha was even more on edge, and, if she had any weapons nearby, she would have been ready to attack if necessary. "Relax, he is here." A giant mass of, what appeared to be, purple or galaxy-colored slime emerged from the distance. With a disgustingly liquid oozing sound, that slime twisted and bent until it formed into the shape of a human. Unbelievable. Steve had never seen anything like that before.

"Heroes. A pleasure to meet you. Come on; we have a lot of work to do."

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