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'Perhaps it would have been wiser to ask someone for directions,' Mia internally thought. She still struggled to navigate through the countless corridors. Eventually, she supposed she had discovered a training room. Mia couldn't see the inside; the window was all blacked out, so she must have been at the correct location.

Mia had noticed that certain rooms were locked and guarded by a strange device. She was certain that Tony Stark or someone else had explained it to her as a... key card panel? It didn't matter; the door didn't appear to have one, so that must have meant anyone could enter the room. Also, it didn't have that 'Room in use' sign that Mia was supposed to look for, so she must have been in the clear.

Mia walked into the training room, innocently assuming that it was empty and that no one was there. Unfortunately, she was horribly mistaken. Clint Barton was also present in the room with his two young children. It was a lovely sight; the man had endured so much, most of it due to Mia's own negligent actions, so it was heartening to see him smile.

"Why are you here?" It wasn't a harsh tone, but it wasn't a gentle one either. Either way, Mia had nearly jumped in shock, startling her when he noticed and addressed her. Clint Barton appeared visibly, his shoulders scrunching and facial expression morphing into an aggressively neutral one.

"I apologize. I only wanted to seek out those training rooms Jessica had told me about. I wasn't initially aware of your presence in this room. I only walked into the first room I discovered."

"Well, it's occupied."

"I apologize. I'll find another room."

"... Would you like some help?"

"... Yes, I would very much appreciate your aid." Clint Barton had brought his young children along with him, which came as a shock to Mia. She knew that Clint Barton didn't want her near him at all, and the assumption was that this meant she was also not allowed near his family, particularly his children. Clint Barton was the only person in that room. It was evident that he didn't want to leave them alone. "Your young children are very beautiful." It was an awkward silence, and perhaps Mia shouldn't have broken it. He already hated her enough; she shouldn't provide him with another reason.

"Thank you," Clint Barton responded shortly. It must have been Mia. It was always her. Jessica Drew treated her and reacted similarly because of Mia's erratic and unstable emotions. "And thank you for helping us out with these new threats."

"It was all the Time Stone's... I mean, Thomas' idea. You should thank him."

"Well, here is another room. Just make sure you switch on the 'occupied' sign, and then no one will bother you."

"Thank you for your assistance."

"You're welcome."

"And for what it is worth. I apologize for any agony and misery I have caused you. It was never my intention."

"... Thank you. I will... I will see you around then."

"Thank you." Perhaps Clint Barton didn't dislike Mia as much as she assumed. No, he only wanted to maintain peace between the Infinity Stones and the New Avengers. Why else would he attempt to act more amicably towards her?

Anyway, Mia entered the new training room. She noticed the windows on the outside; no one could look inside, and it seemed that no one could see the outside. It was perfect; it was all Mia could have wanted. She couldn't hurt anyone in this room. Mia locked the door and sat down in the room's center. She had remembered observing other humans performing this ritual. Mia believed that they had called it "mediation." It seemed to have helped others in their time of distress. Why couldn't it work for her?

Mia closed her eyes, concentrating on her wandering mind and taking deep breaths. There was complete silence, a sweet and liberating silence. All Mia could see was pure darkness, but it was comforting and calming rather than terrifying and worrying. Mia slowly opened her eyes, wondering why she had done so. She was located in a dark area but was still able to move around? Hadn't she been sitting down just a moment ago? How did all that make sense?

Mia's sensible and rational side would have prompted her to wake up from her trance, but her inquisitive side urged her to investigate. It wasn't like anyone needed her at the moment. She walked around for a while until she heard a distinct noise. It wasn't that unusual; it was only the sound of someone crying. Even Mia had such emotional moments in her lifetime, but this time, she was certain that it wasn't her. 'Where was the sound coming from?' Mia turned around. That was when she noticed a lone individual curled in on themselves.

"Hello?" Mia cautiously and slowly approached the person but immediately stepped back when she recognized the individual. "Wanda Maximoff?" Wanda Maximoff looked up at Mia with a tear-strained and distraught expression.

"Who are you?"

"I'm... I am the Mind Stone."

"What? How...?"

"It's unimportant at the moment. How are you here?"

"I'm trapped in my mind, I think. I am not sure." What? When had that occurred? How had that transpired?

"Who had done this to you?" Mia still didn't particularly like Wanda Maximoff, not after all the destruction and devastation she had caused. However, she could possess the essential knowledge required to confront these new threats.

"Why should I tell you anything?! I don't even know you!" Come on, Wanda Maximoff! Now wasn't the time to act stubborn and defiant!

"Please? I know that you may not know me, but you have to trust me. Please, the world might depend on it."


"If my assumption is correct, whoever did this to you is one of two people who will bring about Earth's devastation. Please, don't you want redemption? Do the right thing for once in your life!"

"OK... OK, it was Parker Robbins." Parker Robbins? It was too obvious. How could it have been anyone else but him?

"Thank you." Mia needed to awaken now. She needed to alert the others!

"Wait! Please don't leave me here. Please help me. I am... I am sorry for everything. I've now realized what I had done." Even Mia had some sympathy for Wanda Maximoff. She even appeared genuinely apologetic and remorseful. Although, she wasn't the one who was entitled to an apology.

"I am unsure how at the moment, but... I will promise that I can help you."

"You will?"

"Yes. I have to go now. You won't be here for long; I promise you." On second thought, Mia wasn't sure how to escape. 'Come on! Awaken! Awaken!'

Mia suddenly snapped from her mediation. It was an... interesting experience. Was it real? It must have been because... how could it not have been? Oh, what did it matter?! Whether it was real or not, it was too critical not to alert the others!

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