Part 4

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Lee Know texted Han fairly late one night "Do you want to go get something to eat?" "Sure hyung, I could go for a late night snack. Who all is going with us?" Han texted back. "Just you and me." Lee Know replied. Han read the text and his stomach began to do flips. They had been out to eat together alone countless times but today, was pepero day, a day many Koreans typically spend with their special someones. Han decided to fix himself up, wear a nice jacket and jewelry. He looked in the mirror and saw that he couldn't stop smiling. He met up with Lee Know and noticed right away that Lee Know was dressed very comfortable and casual and his hair looked as if he had just rolled out of bed. They walked together and stopped in front of a convenience store. 'This is where he's taking me to eat?' Han thought annoyed that he had gotten himself all worked up and dressed up to go to a convenience store. "Hyung, I thought you said we were going out to eat?" Han asked. "Well we left out of our homes right? That's out to eat. I'm on a diet so chicken and rice is all the midnight snack I can have." Lee Know said as he opened the store door for Han. Han walked into the store begrudgingly and didn't buy any food. "You sure you aren't hungry? I will buy." Lee Know said. Han just shook his head. They went to sit at the table that was right outside the store and Han just watched as Lee Know ate his bland chicken breast and rice. He smiled softly under his mask looking at Lee Know. He looked so cute with his fluffy hair that Han couldn't resist snapping a couple pictures of him and one of them together. After he was done eating Lee Know checked his bubble messages where he had asked Stay earlier for recommendations of a good place to take a walk in Seoul. After finding one nearby that looked good he said "Let's go walk a bit so I can digest this food at least somewhat before I go to sleep." "Ok!" Han said smiling.

They began to walk towards the park Lee Know had chose but decided to make it seem like they just happened upon it while strolling. "Wow this place is really pretty. I can't believe there's literally no one here." Han said as they continued to walk further into the park. "Well it is around 1 o'clock in the morning." Lee Know said. As they walked a little further Han suddenly said "I was just thinking about how you are always holding Changbin hyung's hand. Why don't you ever hold my hand?" Lee Know whipped his head towards Han saying "What?" "I-I just mean how like Changbin hyung hugs everyone else all the time except me. Did I do something to make it seem like I don't want skinship with you guys?" Han said nervously. "No it's just hand holding is a bit... do you want me to hold your hand?" Lee Know asked. "No you don't have to, I was just saying as an examp..." Han said before being interrupted by Lee Know suddenly grabbing his hand. Han began to blush under his mask as Lee Know interlocked his fingers with his. "There, now you don't have to feel excluded, I'm sure Changbin didn't mean anything personal either." Lee Know said as they resumed walking hand in hand. "You know there's no one around, we can take our masks off if we want to." Lee Know added. Han still very much blushing under his mask replied "I'm good, I will keep mine on." After walking a circle they were nearing the city again and Lee Know said "We should probably let go now. Heading back into the city, we wouldn't want to be photographed like this." Han let go of Lee Knows hand feeling slightly let down as he said "Of course." "You know, sometimes Changbin just grabs my hand himself. If you ever want to do that... I wouldn't care." Lee Know said trying to seem cool and nonchalant. Han felt butterflies in his stomach at Lee Knows implication that he could hold his hand whenever he wanted.

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