chapter 3

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Grace knew and Elena was fucked. Elena tried to control her facial expressions and look calm and collected on the outside, the exact opposite of how she felt on the inside. She couldn't go back. Living under her father's thumb had been hell and she would rather throw herself into the river with stones tied to her feet than return to her father. She always had a second escape plan.

"What are you talking about" Elena managed to get out.

"I know your last name" Grace confirmed Elena's fears,

"It's Bain, congrats you officially know all my secrets" Elena gave one last ditch effort to shake the girl off. She had given herself the last name of Bain when she left. It was a common enough name to not raise questions.

Elena attempted to walk away and end the conversation when Grace grabbed her arm, pulled her back, and hissed "Sabini" in her ear. Elena's physically recoiled at her family's names. Only those directly involved with the Sabinis and a few members of the government knew who she was. Sabini had made a deal with the coppers to ensure her immunity and only a few high-ups in the London police force knew her identity to ensure her safety should she ever get taken in for questioning. Her father must have had some good dirt on those coppers because, in the 10 years, she had police immunity it had never gotten out who she was. Elena knew that Grace wasn't a part of the Sabini family, but that meant Grace was a copper and a pretty high-up one to know about Elena's identity. There was no point in denying it, Grace was far too confident for Elena to talk her way out of this one.

"Then you must be a copper" Elena spit pulling her arm out of Grace's grasp. She may be the daughter of a terrible man, but at least she was not a copper. If word got out that Grace was a copper she would be out of a job faster than she could say "guilty". Elena also doubted that Grace was here because she had turned a new leaf and decided to get out of the police force and become a barmaid. She likely was undercover gaining information on the Peaky Blinders.

The two girls stared off.

"I was on a secret mission last year in London. A bit of research on an opium ring brought me to your father. It took quite a bit of leverage to find out about you. I was sworn to secrecy of course but never thought I would find gangster princess Elena Sabini as a Birmingham barmaid, I wonder what the Peaky Blinders would think of Sabini sending his daughter to spy on them" Grace spilled, breaking the silence. Grace had not learned of her supposed death then. Elena figured that her father would keep it under wraps, not wanting the world to think he was weak enough to let someone close to him be killed. Good, let Grace think that she was on a secret mission for her father.

"You don't know anything. And word doesn't get to the Peaky Blinders" Elena continued the lie. She was playing a dangerous game. "And who would have thought a young copper would be a barmaid in Birmingham, I think the Peaky Blinders might be a bit more interested in your identity than mine, love". Elena continued taking a step closer to Grace letting her know that she would not back down. Grace may have thought she could send Elena packing but now they both had leverage.

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