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Liked by adeline.louis, charles_leclerc, pierregasly, landonorris, carmenmmundt and 734,789 others

stella.russell: I love you nyc <3
Also I took a lie detector test. Go watch it on @vanityfair xoxo

View all 43,976 comments:

carmenmmundt: Gorgeous 😩❤️
         stella.russell: I love you babe x

user57888: she's so beautiful I can't-
         stella.russell: You are

georgerussell63: Finally vanity fair knows how much you lie to me and mom at home

charles_leclerc: Beautiful as always, Ella
          stella.russell: No one supposed to know about that nickname Leclerc

user2467: Stella and Charles endgame


thea.mor: ladies and gents... her ✨
          stella.russell: wife ❤️

adelinelouis: my baby is happy 😩😍

landonorris: Just come back already!

pierregasly: T'es belle ✨✨
        stella.russell: Well do you happen to be the beast? I don't think so. Too cute to be one


Charles went to YouTube the second he commented on Stella's post. He knew that they would ask her about the drivers, he was watching on his MacBook and at first the questions were basics about her early life and if she considered going on tour and that kind iff stuff

"Let's move on to your career... Stella, you once mentioned that there were several songs that were inspired by your childhood crush." The lady asked and Stella looked straight at the camera as she nodded


"Does he know about it?" The lady asked and Stella chuckled shaking her head

"No" she answered before looking at the man who had his eyes fixed on the detector device. "there's so many songs I haven't released about him."

"She's telling the truth." He raised his thumb up and she sighed in relief. Charles smiled while watching her

"Which song was about him?"

"Friends, under/ over" Stella answered

"Do you regret releasing some of your songs?" The lady asked and Stella shook her head in denial

"No, the point of writing songs is to release them, right?" She replied with a serious tone making Charles chuckle lightly "No matter how sad they are."

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