Chapter 4

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"Dance. Party-a. Dance! Party-a!" I shout loudly as I pull on some low crotch grey sweats and a black halter top.

After the short walk  it takes to get to icon, I stamp into the room. Flashing the waiting boys some jazz hands.

"You dyed your hair!" Mikey calls to me. I flip my hair in front of my eyes and keep walking.

"We have this for you." Jason says handing me a bag with the word icon on it. "Open it."

I take the bag sceptically from them and sit down I front of them. As I unzip the bag they sit waiting with anticipation flooded eyes. Its a white crop top that says ICON in big blue letters.

I smirk and raise my eyebrows at the boys.

I push my hand back inside the bag. This time it comes u with a blue icon sports bra and headband.

"How did you know my size..." I state sceptically.

"We're good at guessing." Mikey smirks. "But theirs still more."

The next thing outta the bag is 5 sets of shorts that all have some kind of different swag written across them. The most prevalent one is the 'I heart the iconic boys' pair that seem too short to handle.

Im going to look so fricken fabulous!

More then usual.

"You guys are ridicules!" I laugh putting the '#nobones' shirt in front of me.

I quickly rush to the bathroom to change into the sports bar and by the time
I'm back geo is running into the room.

"Boys!" Geo says running in the room with a bunch of papers in his hand. He takes a quick glance at me and I quirk an eyebrow at him.

"And girl!" He yells again.

I give him a freda sign and make a face at him.

"Sorry guys you didn't all get duets." He says setting his stuff down at the speaker. "Vinnys the only one. Now go to your spots."

Wow they actually asked for them.

I watch all of the boys for a while but some how my eyes get drawn back to Vinny.
I haven't even noticed I zoned out until Geo's voice brings me back. "So dose that seem fair?"


"You, Mikey, Mad and nick get a small group dance. " Geo repeats. Even though I wasn't listening the first time is it's not really repeating.

"You know, cause we don't get the duets" Madison says.

"Okay grand."

"Here are our new schedules, Ariel, Mikey, Mad, Nick." Two

Class is done guys will see you tomorrow ! Vinny, Ariel don't forget you have duet class." He calls running out of the studio.

Vinny and i both go take a quick shower.

Not together sickos!

Even though I awkwardly did grind on him...

Shhh we aren't reliving that.

Then come back and start class.

After a little while stretching and goofing around with Vinny we started talking about our dance, we chose 'strip' buy Chris brown . After a bit more choreography we stopped for water and talked a little.

"Hey guys!" Madison says running in followed buy the other boys. "how is going?"

"Grandly," I say.

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