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Aranya didn't bring it up, she certainly didn't.

She did not bring up the fact that Harry Potter was her cousin. She didn't ask her Mum nor did she ask for the truth. She didn't. Why? She didn't know.

She had no idea why. Maybe it was just nerves or something else. She remembers how her father had told her that her mother and her family weren't particularly close, so she wasn't gonna bring it up.

Especially for the fact that James and Lily Potter were dead. That was horrible for her mother, losing her brother like that. Absolutely horrid.

Her mother lost her brother, she must have been absolutely heartbroken. She wasn't gonna burden her, not right now atleast. She was gonna wait.

James crosses his arms, yeah absolutely horrid for a sister who was a blood traitor and Slytherin.

What about him?

He lost his parents and his wife, not to mention his son.

His sister had betrayed him and had went off to join the Death eaters. That was absolutely horrible.

She was sorted into Slytherin.

"Oh, darling!"

Aranya snaps her eyes to her mother who was smiling widely.

The two were in the parlor of their Manor, a giant room with a gigantic Christmas Tree. It was decorated in golden and purple, a beautiful bright star on top. Many candy canes were hung on, along with a few handmade ornaments.

The room was also partly decorated in Christmas decorations and reefs, with bells and lights. It was just that, simple and elegant at the same time.

"Woah," Barty mutters.

"Beautiful." Lexi mumbles.

Many gaped in awe and envy.

"What?" Aranya asks, walking towards her Mother, who was holding a small black box.

"Look what your Father got me." Beatrice said, smiling widely with her eyes lighting up with joy.

The box contained a pair of earrings. But it wasn't just a pair of simple ones, they looked exquisite and very expensive. They were like small tiny diamonds mused together, or a diamond fused together with gold.

Aranya blinks. "Wow, these are shiny." She mutters, looking almost entranced by them.

Marlene's jaw drops.

Mary takes a sharp intake of breath.

Dorcus, Lei Lei Chang and Vista Parkinson all gasp.

Walburga and many other Purblood ladies stare at the earrings with hunger and envy.

Lily's lips part in shock and wonder.

Hermione nods, her eyes wide. "So that's where she got those earrings." She mutters.

Aranya nods.

𝓒𝓪𝓵𝓶 𝓓𝓸𝔀𝓷 | 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘗𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳  𝚆𝚃𝙼 Where stories live. Discover now