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               I've posted a few new videos on my tiktok! Get ready to see the Le'Fey's! athenawisdom3!


Ron sighs, looking defeated. "Say it, I'm doomed."

"You're doomed." Harry tells him with a sigh, nodding.

"You're doomed," James and Sirius snicker.

Marlene rolls her eyes at them.

Lily shakes her head.

"How is he gonna repair his wand?" Evan asked.

Regulus shrugged.

Beatrice was still covering her face, remembering just moments ago how her daughter had yelled at the room full of students.

Lexi was still laughing, along with Barty.

"It's not funny," Beatrice muttered quietly.

"It totally is," Lex snorts.

Barty chortled. "Your daughter is my spirit animal."

Just then, a new student, Colin Creevey, shows up. "Hi, Harry!" He snaps a photograph of him. "I'm Colin Creevey! I'm in Gryffindor too!" He smiles widely, his eyes excited.

"Aww, so sweet." Lily smiles.

"A bit cheery for me," Dorcus shrugs.

Marlene shakes her head.

"You're pessimistic," Mary points out.

Dorcus only rolls her eyes.

Harry smiles awkwardly. "Hi, Colin, nice to meet you." He says kindly.

Aranya was seen shoving down her breakfast. Her plate was full with a whole combo, with toast, sausages, eggs, boiled potatoes, pancakes, waffles and a peppermint cupcake.

Dumbledore sighs, shaking his head as he massaged his temples.

McGonagall chuckles quietly, her eyes showing a small miniscule amount of amusement.

Hermione shakes her head. "I do not understand how you and Ron can eat so much. Not that it's a bad thing....but still." She frowns, scrunching her nose up.

"You should see my Mother eat," Aranya said, shoving a sausage in her mouth.

Beatrice blinks in confusion. She didn't eat that much. She didn't eat at all, in fact, eating anything or eating too much made her want to hurl and throw up.

Lexi frowns, turning to her with a concerned expression on her face.

"See, Spirit Animal." Barty says, nodding at her.

Evan nods, making a weird face.

"Boys," Marlene mutters.

"Girls," Sirius mocks, shooting her a wink.

Marlene only blushes.

"Ron, is that your owl?" Dean spoke up, pointing upwards.

Errol flies into the Great Hall and crashes in front of Ron. The Slytherins all start to laugh, pointing at them.

Ron shakes his head. "Bloody bird's a menace." He takes a red envelope from Errol. As the owl flies away, he looks at the envelope. "Oh, no!"

Seamus spoke up. "Look, everyone, Weasley's got himself a Howler." He calls out.

𝓒𝓪𝓵𝓶 𝓓𝓸𝔀𝓷 | 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘗𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳  𝚆𝚃𝙼 Where stories live. Discover now