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It's been about 2 weeks in the 'shadow world'. I've been stuck being Crimson's shadow meaning I had to follow her everywhere she went. It was impossible to get out since Damon put his eternity spell on me.

Crimson was out at the mall with Ivy. They've been shopping for over three hours which was tiring for me, having to stay out in the light for that long. Ivy was carrying around all of their; mostly Crimson's, shopping bags.

"Let's go to Fancy That!" Crimson exclaimed, pointing to that store.

"I can't carry anymore. Why don't you take your crap?" Ivy dropped a couple bags to the ground.

"C'mon! Just one more store?" she pleaded.

"Fine, but after this, we're leaving," Ivy dragged herself towards the store.

I'm glad they were getting along better. Since they just found out they're sisters, I'm sure it's still a little awkward between the two of them.

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