What Are You?

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You saw a speck of sparkle on that huge star of life, didn't you? That's an exceptional, fateful meeting.

What, or who, was Lena Luthor looking for? Hazel eyes gazed at the stars above. The one she was hoping to find, however, was not there. Lena cursed herself for being so stupid as to not ask the other woman (if indeed that was what she was) for a name, or planet, for she surely was not from Earth. Lena would've remembered someone like her. And when their time together came to a bittersweet end, they did not board the same spaceship.

But even though Lena did not have any identifying information, she still remembered everything about the other woman's appearance. Golden hair, sapphire eyes, ruby smile, glowing skin, toned muscles. She was a Maiden of Might and Light, Photons and Ferocity. It was a picture-perfect photo burned into Lena's brain, and yet, as detailed as her memory was, Lena still had no idea... Who are you? WHAT are you?

She was an alien, obviously, but Lena had met many aliens in her day, and none of them ever made her feel the way that one did.

"You were a heat source I couldn't divert my eyes from. Deep inside, my heart is full of you. So much, it's painful. You were a star in your own right, the brightest in the sky even if you weren't the biggest." When Lena was chosen to attend the intergalactic conference, she assumed it would be a simple, diplomatic mission. She was just the human representative of what was tantamount to a giant board meeting aboard a giant space station. Then came the exceptional, fateful meeting, Lena's first encounter with... her.

Lena was so caught up in all of it that although she shared pleasant conversation with the other woman the entire night, neither one thought to introduce herself to the other. It was as if they'd known one another their entire lives, and old friends didn't need new introductions. But then reality set back in. The conference ended, and Lena never saw her alien (wait, her?) again. Now she was back on Earth, but her head and eyes were still in the clouds, stars, and skies, searching and reflecting.

Hey, why is it when I look at you, my fingertips are hot? So much it causes severe error.

That first encounter, Lena's hands shook so much that she nearly dropped her drink at one point. (She would remember being grateful that of all the contributions Earth gave to the intergalactic conference, alcohol was one of them. The other drinks were a little too exotic for her human palate). And even now, back on Earth weeks later, the memory alone was enough to get Lena's hands shaking again.

"I want to touch," she murmured, "want to touch you so much... It's strange..." The Luthor found herself thinking about the laws of physics and gravity. Celestial bodies could impact one another even lightyears away. Didn't that sound familiar? Except, Lena could see the sun. She could not see her star, her Maiden of Might and Light. Where are you?


Who, or what, was Kara Zor-El looking for? She peered through her family's observatory's telescope at the stars above. The one she was hoping to find, however, was not there. Kara cursed herself for being so stupid as to not ask the other woman (if indeed that was what she was) for a name. Kara knew enough to know that the other woman was human, but that wasn't enough to find her again.

Even if Kara boarded a spaceship to Earth that instant, that didn't mean she'd find the human diplomat. What if their identities were kept confidential, for example? She'd have to figure out how to access that classified information. But hey, a Kryptonian could dream, right?

That's right, while I'm sleeping, I rewrite memories in my hippocampus, she thought. It was a picture-perfect photo burned into Kara's brain. Hair as dark as space, eyes as hazel as the nebulas Kara studied from her family observatory, and skin as bright as a star. Kara remembered everything the other woman said. She was shy at first, but intelligent, and Kara clung to her every word. If only one of them had been a name!

Kara didn't just rewrite memories, though. She created fantasy after fantasy where she and the other woman beat the literal astronomical odds and found each other again. In one dream, the other woman flew to Kara, Kara luring her to Krypton with lights visible even lightyears away.

"How and what should I do so that I can meet you?" Kara pleaded, still peering through her telescope. "And even more... What are you?"

Hey, why is it when I look at you, I feel like a human? So much it causes severe error.

Kara was proud of her Kryptonian heritage, just like the rest of her family, but after meeting that woman? Humans were suddenly all she could think about. She didn't dare tell anyone else on Krypton, though. They would think she was mad! Perhaps she was. After all, no normal Kryptonian dreamed so desperately about being with a human or exploring Earth in-person rather than the observatory.

"I want to know," Kara murmured, "want to know you so much! You changed me..."Kara was always a curious, adventurous soul, but no wanderlust she ever felt before came even close to the passion and longing she felt now. And to think, it was all because of one night with one woman, a beautiful stranger. What are you? What sort of creature are you that you were able to do this to me, so quickly and so completely?


Kara and Lena were some of the smartest members of their species. After all, one was not selected for the intergalactic conference by being stupid. But they were merely one of countless members of their respective species. Lena was one, singular human, and Kara one, singular Kryptonian. Neither of them was smart enough to figure out how to cross the vastness of space and successfully find one another again.

Or at least, neither of them was smart enough on their own. But when two heads were put together, no matter how many lightyears apart, just as long as they were united in common cause... Was it magic? Was it fate?

Hey, I'm going to call you now. At first, all they needed was a link, a connection, a way to bridge their communications.

Hey, here, are my fingertips hot? The journey was still long, but they had one another's voices and promises to guide them. Together, they made the sounds no one had ever heard. Wildest dreams came true and astronomical odds were defeated again.

Oh, but to have you turn and face me!

"Hello, I know you..."

AN: Y'all ever get the most random "crossover" ideas ever? This was based off a game/anime called D4DJ. In specific, the band Photon Maiden and their song "What Are You?" which has the plot of an alien falling in love with a human. I didn't want it just to be Kara falling for Lena, though, because "alien" is technically subjective. Also yes, AU where Krypton still exists, so the Supers never came to Earth.

A Lot of Life, Wonder Wonder Trip, Here's the Light, Photon Melodies, 4 Challenges, and 24 are other fitting Photon Maiden songs. Because their entire aesthetic revolves around space/aliens and meeting new people/places, they definitely can pair well with Supercorp.

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