Baby, Be Mine

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AN: So I'm slow and lazy and had ideas for this fic since the song came out, since it strikes me as a sequel to 24, but I never got around to until today, LOL! Better late than never ig, lol! Anyway, it's "Collector" by D4DJ's Photon Maiden.

The sun shined high over National City. Baby, be mine. The sky was crystal clear, bright azure. Baby, be mine. A breeze blew in gently from the bay. Baby, be mine. It twisted through the labyrinthian streets around every building and skyscraper. Baby, be mine!

The biggest attraction of the city by far, though, was its recently-crowned Kryptonian superhero, the Maiden of Might and Light. She'd made her debut very recently, saving a falling plane. From that day forward, Supergirl's name was legend throughout National City, and it didn't take long for her to amass a massive fanbase. As she joked, though, the #1 fan (both in that she was first and the best) was Lena Luthor.

I'm a collector. I wanna get what I want! Everyone is waiting their turn to be displayed in my room. Countless Supergirl fans would've died or killed to be special to her, to have their photo in her room when they certainly had posters of her in theirs. Well, if you asked Kara, Lena was the real piece of artwork. Supergirl may have had a legion of fans looking her way, but she was looking somewhere else entirely, eyes only for Lena.

If I could, I want you in my collection. Art of perfection! You're my special, 'cause you're the only thing I wanna have.

In fact, the moment Supergirl was done with her heroics for the day, Kara "Danvers" returned to L-Corp with a CatCo camera in hand.

"Do you ever write articles about yourself?" Lena quirked a teasing, playful eyebrow. Kara only shrugged and smiled playfully right back at her.

Please hold that pose. "I wanna take your picture," she instead insisted. Fly away, Supergirl! Lena is my muse!

"Huh?!" Lena reared back, eyes comically wide.

You're beautiful. "I will hang it in a big frame!" Kara nodded and promised enthusiastically as she raised her camera.

"A-are you sure?" asked Lena insecurely, expression anxious as she unwittingly wrapped her arms around herself.

From head to toe! "I want to have you all to myself!" The second Lena's face went dumbstruck with surprise, Kara giggled and snapped a quick pic.

Oh, Lena, don't you get it? You may think you're "less than" when compared to Supergirl and her fans, but how could you possibly think that after all the history WE'VE had? She smiled as she took Lena's hand. It was time to hit National City and remind Lena just what Kara meant when she said she wanted the Luthor all to herself.

"You're not a CD, perfume, bag, diorama, teddy, or paperback," she joked, grinning as they walked down the city sidewalks with arms linked at the elbow. "But I never get bored!" It was something Kara noted after the first time she and Lena ever met, but before they knew one another's names. I thought I was going crazy, a Kryptonian so obsessed with Earth just because of one human I met one time at a conference.

Now she strutted the streets of Earth with the human diplomat on her arm. "I wanna show you off to everyone!" Kara insisted, eyes shining as she looked into Lena's. Don't you see? I feel just as proud, excited, and giddy about this as anyone would be getting to show off Supergirl! "You're my baby, stay by my side. I look at you all day and night! But I never get bored. So baby, be mine!"

"Kara..." Lena looked away, flushed and flustered, but there was a smile on her face now. Maybe it was still hard for her to believe in any likable qualities she supposedly had, but when Kara looked at her like that, how could Lena say she wasn't a believer? Plus, it wasn't as if Lena didn't get where Kara was coming from. She just disagreed that she ought to be the one showered with such praise and affection. Though she certainly understood the thrilling rush of getting to be in public with someone she loved, just enjoying the day together.

Hmm, wanna carefully decorate... Best position on my mind-shelf, Lena's thoughts and dizziest daydreams ran wild. A normal Supergirl fan maybe had a bit of her merch at home. Lena, meanwhile, had Supergirl merch AND Kara "merch". Just about any gift the Kryptonian had ever given her, Lena kept stored somewhere, no matter how small. Heck, she even kept the box and wrapping paper of the first gift Kara ever gave her. Items not enough yet, I will make you mine! And I would love to be yours. You haven't ever made me feel bad, so I want to stay with you!

Their love was never simple, always fiery, passionate, and intense, even from that first intergalactic conference.

I'm just like a hunter! Lena's sharp, brilliant, Luthor brain went into overdrive, excited by the thrill and challenge of learning all that there was to know about her girlfriend. It's just like a strategy game! How best to please her next...?

And Kara's mind ran the exact same track. A style that's pretending to be smart. Even though she was the one grinning cheerfully, taking Lena by the hand and leading her down the busy city sidewalks, she secretly felt just as flustered and giddy as the Luthor. She may have exuded more confidence and wisdom, but she felt like a stupid, silly, little schoolgirl, just like Lena.

So be my joy, be prepared, baby!

As they perused the city together, they eventually made their way to the local park, Lena spotting someone painting portraits. The Luthor sucked in a breath, stomach tightening instantly as she thought back to when Kara had taken her picture.

Please hold that pose. "I want to paint your picture," she suddenly said, turning to the Kryptonian.

"Huh?" Kara was confused, so Lena pointed to the painter, a nearby sign with the portrait prices based on how many people were in them.

You're beautiful. "With my favorite pencils," the Luthor nodded as they made their way over to the painter, her hazel eyes skimming the options and colors. Only the best and brightest for her sunny Kryptonian GF!

"Are you sure?" asked Kara, amused. It was rare for Lena to be the one to suggest cheesy couple stuff, but that made it all the better in Kara's eyes!

From head to toe! "I want to have you all to myself!" Lena nodded, one hand sliding the painter money as the other slid around Kara for the pose.

"You're not a CD, perfume, bag, diorama, teddy, or paperback," the Luthor murmured into Kara's ear jokingly. "But I never get bored!" That was what the portrait was for, another item for Lena's mind-shelf of Kara (and Supergirl). Plus, since it was a live portrait—"I get to show you off to everyone!" Lena squeezed Kara's waist and raised her chin proudly. Truly, her relationship with the other woman had changed her."You're my baby, stay by my side. I look at you all day and night! But I never get bored. So baby, be mine!"

Kara laughed in pure delight, fully happy to fully indulge in her and Lena's playful romance, their selfish ideals. They knew no love was perfect, but sometimes, it was fun to play and be lighthearted, like today. Anything was possible, and only happily-ever-afters would rule their story.

Want to get you ASAP. Sorry, but I won't stop, I'm a collector! This is my style. Passion is my rule!

"Do you understand, baby?" Lena murmured into Kara's ear once the portrait was done. Kara couldn't take her eyes off it. She nodded, awestruck.

I want you all to myself! "Oh, Lena! Be mine!" Kara flung her arms around the Luthor, and Lena laughed and hugged Kara back as hard as she could. The painter chuckled and turned away politely while Lena reveled in the beauty of the day, and the woman she was enjoying it with.

The sun shined high over National City. Baby, be mine. The sky was crystal clear, bright azure. Baby, be mine. A breeze blew in gently from the bay. Baby, be mine. It twisted through the labyrinthian streets around every building and skyscraper. Baby, be mine!

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