Stay With Me For 24

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Kara held Lena's cheek in her hand, lost in a haze of hazel. At the same time, Lena was lost in a sea of sapphire. Each of them engraved one another's faces in their memory. The air crackled with tension and electricity, the spark of life and vitality.

"I can't go back to the night alone," the Kryptonian whispered, a teasing smile playing across her lips. Lena couldn't take her eyes off of them.

We've got chemistry, she thought, I'll be your remedy! "Did you miss me?" Kara, wanna kiss me?

A breeze brushed through their hair, as if the air itself was trying to join the fun. Hey, you two, look at each other so as to melt into one. It was so obvious, even the universe could tell what was going on between Kara and Lena. You got a crush on me, and I'm in love with you!

After so long searching the stars for one another, the two spirits at last managed to connect across the cosmos. Hands reached out far enough that they linked, and a tiny piece of Earth made contact with a tiny piece of Krypton.

Kara was able to reach Lena before Lena was able to reach her, but in the almost-month they'd been together, Lena put just as much effort into getting to know the Kryptonian as the Kryptonian put into getting to know her. There were self-discoveries abound. First, the pair realized that they were incredibly alike: brilliant young women hoping to make a change in their world. In specific, they were science freaks. One of the first things they did was tour Lena's lab, and Kara looked like a kid on Christmas the entire time. Lena had never seen anything so precious.

And then Kara discovered that, under the yellow sun of Earth, she was granted superpowers. "Woah! I... I... Oh my Rao, I can fly!"

It happened after the first time Lena awkwardly pecked Kara on the cheek. Kara jumped up in surprise and delight, and her feet never touched the ground again. She was left levitating in front of a slack-jawed Lena, but a second later, both of their nerdy science brains went into overdrive.

Kara and Lena had much to learn from one another, and much to explore and discover together. One of the first things Lena helped Kara understand after she discovered her connection with Earth's sun was the day-night cycle.

"On Earth, one day is how long it takes the planet to rotate on its axis as it revolves around the sun. For us on Earth, that's 24 hours."

"Only 24?" Kara pouted. On Krypton, their days were longer than that!

"Well, it doesn't sound as if Kryptonian days give you superpowers," Lena teased. Kara's pout was just as adorable as her enthusiasm for science, which was just as adorable as everything else about her.

"I won't even get 24 on this planet either," Kara continued to pout. For one, they both knew that even if a day was 24 hours, that wasn't how long the yellow sun shined, unless Kara felt like chasing it around the planet once per day. Plus, Lena had mentioned this thing called "winter"...

"Well, I'm sure I can find ways to entertain you whenever your superpowers cannot," Lena gave Kara a suggestive smile and Kara felt her heart flipflop in her chest. Suddenly, she forgot what she was upset about. Lena struggled to hold in a laugh, but a moment later, her face softened. "Don't worry, Kara, I'll stay with you for 24, all 24, hours of the day, every single day."

Superpowered or not, red sun or yellow, I want YOU, Kara Zor-El. I'll wrap you up in my arms for 24; I want you to touch me with your fingertips! Lena would never be so arrogant as to say it out loud, but she could tell that Kara was crazy about her. My baby, mine!

After all, she saw how quickly Kara's pout turned into a wide-eyed look of surprise and anticipatory disbelief and excitement, which quickly turned into a look of interest and fantasy. It didn't take long for Kara to take Lena's idea and imagine it in much greater detail...

She can't be without me, they both thought. Hearts fluttered and smiles grew. I'm in love with you...

The sets of 24 hours came and went over and over again, and Kara and Lena only got closer and closer. It was a wonderful wonder trip, and the party went on. They traveled far and wide, but no matter what, they kept falling in love right where they were. And through it all, Kara got to see Lena change like the seasons. Kryptonians were capable of complex and ever-changing emotions too, but Kara still found it novel in humans. Lena was kind, caring, humble, and... rather prone to self-deprecation. That sometimes left her gloomy and moody, and Rao help anyone who ran into Lena Luthor on her bad days. Well, anyone who wasn't Kara, at least.

Bearish attitude, the antonym behind it. I want to hear your wishes! What are you feeling, Lena? Kara could tell that behind the anger, there was hurt and sadness. But like drowning in a blue sea, all Lena needed was to look into Kara's eyes, and she forgot why she was mad.

What am I feeling? I honestly already don't know... But I know that... I want to feel you...

Kara swept all of Lena's fears away, taking her away from her worries and problems, even if only for one lunchbreak. And she was more than happy to listen to Lena's every hurt and ill, no matter how sad. Maybe Lena feared it would one day drive Kara away, but as Lena once promised Kara, Kara was going to be there for her for all 24 hours of the day, every day.

We've got chemistry, I'll be your remedy!

"Did you miss me?" she teased as Lena finally took a deep breath, concluding her latest rant. Baby, wanna kiss me?

Lena's creased forehead softened, and surprised hazel looked up to meet smiling blue again. Then the rest of Lena's face softened. "Oh, Kara... I can't hide anything anymore at zero distance from you!" And although she wasn't brave enough to say it out loud yet, I'm in love with you!

24 hours came and went so fast, and neither Kara nor Lena could look away from one another's eyes or lips.

Wrap me up for 24! I want you to touch me with your fingertips! Lena wrapped her arms around Kara's broad, muscled shoulders with a smile as they both took off into the night sky. Wrapping them protectively in her red cape, the Kryptonian carried Lena bridal-style the entire time. It was another wonderful wonder-trip, and Lena and Kara were falling deeper and deeper in love right where they were, higher and higher up in the sky.

"I'm crazy about you, I think," Kara whispered, chuckling as she and Lena hovered countless feet above the city skyline.

"My baby, mine," Lena replied, kissing Kara's cheek. Suddenly, they shot up about 24 extra feet, just like the first time Lena kissed Kara. Lena chuckled. It's nice to see that some things never change.

But in other ways, they did, and they could be equally beautiful, for finally, it came time for Kara and Lena to upgrade their relationship. They were both terrified the day the question was finally asked, but...

"W-w-ould...? Would you...? Like to be my girlfriend?"

"... Yes!"

"W-wait... Yes? Yes?! YES?! YES!" She made the sound I've never heard, an acceptance instead of a rejection. Now I know for sure! She wants to stay with me for 24 and forevermore!

AN: I've been listening to 24 for almost the past 24 hours now (it became a random, sudden ear-worm for me) so I really wanted to get this done. Thank D4DJ and Photon Maiden for the inspiration, LOL! (Oh yeah, and small reference to Wonder Wonder Trip, because that song has a similar "plot"/theme).

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