Date #1: The thrill seeker

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*Calum's point of view*

I wake up to my phone buzzing. I don't even remember falling asleep. But, I hear Ashton in the kitchen and he makes the best pancakes in the whole world.

"How did the date last night go?" Sydni Ashtons girlfriend asks me.

"Good and bad but I got ten more."

"You got ten more dates?" Ashton spits a little of his coffee on Sydni. She throws him a glare.


"Well, I kinda bet her that I could get her to fall in love with me in just ten dates." Now saying this out loud I see how stupid this plan fucking is.

"You what?" They say in unionism they fucking do this all the time. Maybe if me and Avery keep dating we will be able to do that. Actually if I was with a girl and we talked like that would be a sign to get the hell out.

Rule Number one: Never get to attached to a girl.

"Damn okay quit judging me. I know this fucking sucks but will you guys help me win the bet or not?" I yell at them. They treat me like they are my parents.

"Okay first of all can you watch your language? You have the mouth of a sailor for crying out loud." I hate it when Sydni yells. She gets all scary and shit.

"Sorry." I mumble under my breath.

"Okay so let's get started." Ashton says focusing his attention on to me. "What does she like?"

"I don't know."

"Does she have any hobbies?"

"Yeah, probably."

"What are they?" He asks.

"That I don't know..." Damn I don't know shit about this girl. "Sydni, you are a girl- "

She cuts me off. "Well I should hope so."

"Anyway, before I was so rudely interrupted, Where would you want to go on a first date. I mean what kinda date would make you want to go on nine more?"

"Hhmm weeeeeelllllll, on our first date we went to the amusement park. I was low key but, still fun."

"Yeah yeah yeah! Do that!" Ashton speaks like 10 times faster when he gets excited. "I picked that date spot so I could seem like a hero if Sydni got scared on a ride."

"I like it!" I tell them.

"So, what's the goal with this whole ten dates thing? After the dates are over and she falls for you are you going to date her?" Sydni asks me.

"Do I look like the type to be tied down?"

I see Ashton roll his eyes. "She seemed nice don't break her heart."

"Ashton none of this really maters it's just a game. A game that I plan on winning. Now, I got to go get ready." I grab an apple off the counter top take a big bite out of it so my mouth is full and it gives me an excuse not to answer any more of there questions. I can hear them talking about me as I leave the room.

My pre-date routine is always the same; Work out, Shower, shave, shave everywhere (you never know what is going to get touched), and that's about it. Even though on this date I can almost guarantee you on this date nothing will be getting touched.

I texted Avery telling her I was picking her up at 1:30 and it's only 11 so I have time to play  fifa.

On my way to Avery's house I pick up roses. I came to play. Now it is time to turn on the charm.

"Hey Calum! What's up?" Avery's step brother Trey says greeting me at the door.

"Nothing, I am just here to pick up Avery." I tell him.

"Oh." He steps back a little shocked. "Are you sleeping with my sister?" I have never seen him this serious. I once saw him beat up three guys at the same time. He's a fucking beast. I take a tiny step back. 

"No.." Not yet anyway. 

"Okay, well if you hurt her I hurt you." He says this slow. "Anyway great to see you man." He smiles.


"Avery! Calum is here!"

"Coming!" She yells. She walks down the stairs wearing a white cut off shorts and a baby blue shirt making her boobs pop. She looks good. So tan and so toned. "Hi." Her voice is soft and smooth.

"I bought you these." I say motioning towards the flowers.

"Oh, Um thank you. But just a FYI for next time I like daisies."

"Noted.. you ready."


When we get to the amusement park it's packed. Avery insists that we have to go on the biggest most scarcest ride they have.

"Are you nervous?" Avery asks me while we are in line.

"No." To be honest I am terrified of roller coasters. I didn't think this plan out well."Are you?"

"Nope, nothing scares me." She smiles at me. Well shit. "Are you sure you are not scared you are sweating."

"It's just hot out okay?"

The ride shoots up ascending in to the sky.Twisting and turning my stomach drops.


I look over at her and she is laughing. "WOOOHOO." She screams.


Avery quickly grabs my hand in hers. And for a second I forget that I am on the ride and I feel safe.

"Wow, okay that was fast." I say as we are getting off the ride.

"Yeah, I think I am deaf in my right ear from you crying." She laughs.

"I did not cry okay? I had something in my eye!"

"Whatever just go win me that giant teddy bear over there." She says pointing at one of the games.

"Welcome! Welcome!" The employee says. "To win this bear you must knock down all the empty cans you get three tries. "

"Okay give me the baseballs." I look at my target. I knock all the pins down in one shot. I used to be really good at sports before I quite for the band.

"My hero!" Avery shouts in a mocking tone.

"You two make a beautiful couple." The employee shouts at us.

"It's getting late you better take me home." She says.


In the ride home we talk about how Adell and Michael are pretty much the worst couple known to man kind.

"So are you in love with me yet?" I ask her as I pull into her drive way.

"No." She says getting out of the car."Not even close." 

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