Why Is He Here?

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                                                         Mature Content/ Word Use

Matt comes in the living room and see's Andrew right away. Shit.

" Why the fuck is he here?!?!?!?!?" Matt yells while pointing at Andrew.

'' He wanted to talk and since I haven't seen him in a while I wanted to see him" I say with a little fear in my voice.

" Oh it was completely innocent then? Hmm? Like I would really believe that you would stey loyal to me when I know you are obsessed with the Blackhawks and last time I checked Andrew Shaw is on the Hawks" Matt says as I start to cry.

" Matt I fucking love you. You are my first real boyfriend. I would never cheat on you in  million years. You treat me like I'm so special and no one has ever shown me the affection you have showed me." I say while I can no longer can control my tears so they start to free fall.

"You are just kissing my ass because you know that Andrew will leave you in a heartbeat for some model and you think I'm so desperate enough to believe any thing you tell me" Matt says and I'm so tempted to smack him.

"You know what you fucking ass  hole!! I could have dumped your sorry ass a long time ago. Andrew Shaw and Jonathan friken Toews both showed interest in me long before you came along. But no when you asked me out I said yes." I  scream through the tears.

" Or you choose me because you didn't want to seem like the puck slut you are.

And your little ' I'm so innocent' act is  getting old. Like seriously you are a cheating whore!!" he scream and that hits my limit.

" I FUCKING HATE YOU!!! I REGRET EVER MEETING YOU!!! I WASTED PART OF MY LIFE ON YOU WORTHLESS PEICE OF SHIT!!!!" I  scream at him. I walk away to my room and slam my door shut.

After about 5 minutes in my room crying I hear a knock on the door.

" Go away!! I never want to see or hear you again!!!" I scream.

What I said must have really affected Matt because he opens the door and says " Megan I'm so sorry you feel that way. I'm just so upset because I thought you were cheating on me.. I love you Megan and I'm so sorry for what  I said.. Can you please forgive me??"

" How could I.  You called me a slut, whore, and a puck slut. I never wanted anyone to think that way of me and you do" I say trying to stop crying.

" I mean it. I'm so sorry for what I did. I disrespected the only woman I have loved in my whole life.. but I didn't just disrespect the woman I'm madly and deeply in love with. I disrespected you and your integrity. I'm surprised you didn't hit me"

I laugh at that and said" I almost did"

" Megan I am so so sorry for what I said. I would be pissed at anyone saying that to you and the fact that I said it to you makes it ten times worse..  No one should ever be called the things I called you. Can you ever forgive me??"

II thought about it for a couple of seconds and then said " I honestly don't know"

" Please forgive me.. I am one hundred completely deeply in love with you. I honestly don't know what I would be doing right now if it was for you. You keep me sain. You make me, a better  me. I don't want us to split so please don't leave me but if you do I totally understand. I was a total bitch to you and I deserve you breaking up with me. But I'm asking that you don't."

" Matt I still love you. I don't want to break up either. You are my first boyfriend and I love you. What we are is a good thing that I don't want to end." I say now finally stop crying.

Matt  didn't waste any time.. He kissed me and I kissed him back passionately. I truly love him and ya we just had this big fight but all couples do. Kissing him gives me such a rush that I can only describe as wow. when the kiss gets to be very intense we sits down on my bed and Matt puts his arm up my back and kisses my neck which makes me laugh. I don't want to stop which is scary. I remember when ii first started school I was so conservative and shy. Now I'm willing to give up my v-card to the guy that I love but just had a major fight with. All of the sudden there is a knock on the door and I totally forgot Andrew as here. He says he's leaving and Matt also leaves.

My choice for my heart is now narrowed down to two people : Matt or Andrew.


So Matts angry side came out in this chapter. He walks in to Megan's "Living Room'' to find Andrew Shaw there. His mind immediately jumps to the conclusion that Megan is cheating on him with the Andrew Shaw. So they get into a huge argument and in the end they both regret what was said. They end up forgiving each other and making out. Megan gets scared because she doesn't recognize her actions. This will cause some events to take place that will make a difference in this story!! In end Megan decides that she doesn't really like Jon anymore ( they haven't seen each other in awhile) but she decides that she will only like Matt or Andrew!! And for all the Jon and Megan lovers this isn't the end of Jon in this story. He will be in the upcoming chapters!! Leave comments on what you think of Matts and Megan's big fight. What do you think of how fast Megan forgave Matt?? Is Matt or Andrew going to be with Megan!!

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