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The first day of work after my honeymoon week felt strange. I knew everyone at the office knew Ahmad had gotten married last weekend. Other than Zayyad, his investigator and staff and Farid, his secretary who were well aware of their relationship from the very start of it, Ahmad had not invited anyone else. He had also called Dr. Rahina and told her about our marriage. The woman had been elated, and had prayed for us. She had sent her advice and said to expect her gift soon.

As usual, I had begged Ahmad to let me tell my colleagues myself as opposed to his intention to announce to the entire firm who his wife was. He had refused, saying he was not going to hide away again. I had tried to make him see that I was not trying to hide away or have him hidden, but was rather just looking time to tell the girls myself.

Ahmad had finally agreed After long hours of persuasion, and helping him with his drafts. But his condition had been that I had three days to do the needful.

Three days were more than sufficient. I just needed the right timing.

When he had dropped me off a few minutes ago, he had told me he had an all day-in meeting with three investors/future partners of Amjaad. Ahmad had never considered a partnership until now,  a decision I still found weird.

His law firm was so big that a unitary running system was an ill taken advice. And the moment he announced his intention, he had over ten huge law firms asking to be partners. Today he was signing the deal with three important international Law firms. One was prominent in the Oil Industry, one was in with the Intellectual Property and the last was deep in Technology Law.

I had prayed for him and told him I would be waiting for the good news. And I was. Had no doubt he would click the deal. This all day-in meeting was just a formality.

But when I stepped into my department, it was quite busy with gossip whispers and curious look of interests from those who were not aware of the news yet- whatever the news was. I had no doubt that they were gossiping Ahmad, and then fact that I walked past everyone without t heir inquisitive, gossip informs me that I was still safe.

It was the first time I saw my colleagues gossiping. it was not a good sight to beheld.

"And does any of you want to eat the raw flesh of his brother?" Allah's words repeatedly rang in my head.

I had barely taken my seat when Hidayyah came to me. "The head of drafting took out last week just to look for you, Amanah. Allah knows I felt he would die should he not get to see you. I told him you had called in sick last week, but he has been coming here since then. I even gave him your contact, yet he keeps coming here. By the way, how do you feel now?"

"AlhamduliLlah." I simply replied. Why would Kamal be looking for me? I wondered. I was not from his department, so we didn't have much in common. On one hand, I wanted to be polite and find him, but on the other hand, I recalled Ahmad's warnings to stay away from the man and I shivered at the thoughts of getting him angry again.

Whatever Kamal needed, he could get elsewhere. I resolved.

"Thank you, Hidayyah. So how have you been?"

"I should be asking you that. I hope you are stronger now. Sorry I didn't call. I was so busy that my phone had been the last thing on my mind."

O Well, AlhamduliLlaah! It would have been filled with lies and awkwardness, not telling her that it was marriage, not sickness that had kept me at home.

"It's okay. AlhamduliLlaah, I am okay now. I had sent the review for the Hafeez Muhammad & Co. I hope you saw it."

"Oh we all did." Raihanah said, coming to take her seat beside me. "And it was exquisite. You really shame us who have been your seniors for a while now, you know?"

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