Chapter 2

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Aeressa Targaryen is the firstborn daughter of Lord Maegor Targaryen of Dragonstone. She was one of Maegor's more famous children, and she was a famous sculptor. The gigantic stag statue in the Garden of the Storm's End was a gift from her to his ancestors, Orys Bartheon, and Argella Durrandon. The sculptures were truly beautiful. Even Now, people want to buy them from all around Westeros and Essos. Nobody knew how she was able to do it as you need strength to do it awith her slender body, but she had been Maegor's daughter. In strength, like father like daughter.

Storm King Robert Baratheon of the Kingdom of the Storm - 299 A.C.

King Aenys' POV

King Aenys I Targaryen, ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, entered the Chamber of the Painted Table, a room filled with his family's rich history. He couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over him as he walked in, recalling the times his father, Aegon Targaryen, had brought him here as a child.

Aenys was surprised to see tiny sculptures on the table as his brother, Maegor, led them in. They appeared to be the work of an amateur artist.

"What exactly are these?" Aenys inquired, motioning to the sculptures. "They seem to lack experience."

"Gifts from my daughter," Maegor replied, his voice tinged with pride. "I found her a female stonemason to teach her, and she enjoys making these small sculptures in her spare time."

Aenys couldn't help but be envious of Maegor's apparent close relationship with his daughter. He had always found it difficult to connect with his own children, particularly his son, Aegon, who was now looking around the room with interest.

"I see," Aenys said, his gaze drawn to a worm near the location of Dragonstone on the map. "But what is the point of all of this? "

Maegor shook his head. "My daughter enjoys making them, and I don't see why she shouldn't be allowed to display them here."

Aenys nodded, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong with the whole thing. He returned his focus to the reason for their meeting. "I'm sure you've heard about the Faith Militant uprising by now, Maegor," he began.

"Yes," Maegor replied, taking a seat on the painted table. "But I'm afraid I can't assist you. "I'm already preoccupied with raising my children and running Dragonstone."

Aegon, who was sitting at the table with his father and uncle, jumped up. "But we are also a part of your family! "We are the royal household!"

Maegor gave his nephew a cold stare. "A genuine reason or a fabricated one?" he asked, his voice mocking.

Aegon's temper flared, and his movements nearly toppled one of the tiny structures on the table. Maegor quickly grabbed the statue before it was destroyed, glowering at Aegon with a look that indicated he was on the verge of losing control.

"This was a gift from Aeressa, and if it had been destroyed because of your tantrum, I would have ripped your arms off," Maegor snarled in a silent voice as he glared down at his nephew.

Aenys was used to his brother doing things like that, but it was the first time his son had been around someone like that. While still in King's Landing, Maegor used it the majority of the time; it brought in fast silene.

His brother's glare was almost enough to make Aegon submit. Aegon left the room quickly, his legs still trembling from fear, looking small and intimidated in the face of his uncle's rage.

"This was too much for him, brother," Aenys said with a shrug. Most people talk about the Targaryen madness in his brother, but they forget that Aenys too has it; he is just better at hiding it. His brother never tried to hide it; Maegor won a one-on-one battle. After all, we exist for a reason.

Maegor returned the statue to the table with care, his expression softening slightly. "You intend to make him your heir, but I advised you to use Rhaena," he explained.

"I did," Aenys replied, his voice tinged with frustration. "Aegon married Rhaena, and she will reign alongside him."

Maegor yelled, "That's not what I meant, and you know it. "Rhaena will never have complete independence from Aegon. You cannot simply rely on a woman to complete the task for you. Aegon needs to be trained as well. "He must be able to rule himself and not just rely on his wife to do so."

Aenys sighed as the pressure of his obligations weighed heavily on him. The future would not be simple, but he was aware that his brother was correct. It would be challenging to raise his son to be a strong and capable ruler, especially in light of the Faith Militant uprising and the difficulties their family is currently facing.

Aenys' voice grew tired as he said, "I understand, Maegor." "I'll make sure to concentrate on Aegon's training as well. But in the interim, we need to figure out how to handle the Faith Militant. They are a danger to my rule and to our family. They may pose a threat to yours as well."

With a grim expression, Maegor nodded. "I'll do what I can to help, but you have to understand that Dragonstone and my kids are my top priorities. They are put first. However, because my wife is the niece of the former High Septon, and my son's Huge Merchant guild has strong ties to both the Citadel and the Faith, I will grant you Guest Right, and the Faith will leave you alone. Perhaps you can try to convince them."

Aenys picked up the statue of the worm, admiring his 6-year-old niece's talent.

"Aegon the Worm? " Aenys inquired as he flipped the statue in his hands.

"Yes, named after our father," "Maegor answered, sounding slightly amused. "I used to frequently call him derogatory names like "worm" or "lizard." "He must have appeared to her as a real worm."

Aenys could see his aunt Visenya making fun of the statue too. The statue was both an insult and a sweet gesture because their father, Aegon, had not been a particularly good husband or father.

"Are you going to share any additional tales about our father with her?" asked Aenys.

Maegor raised an eyebrow. "My children have only occasionally seen that man; I have only seen him about 30 times in my whole life. Therefore, I don't believe I will. Persuade her that he was Aegon, the lizard, or the worm. ""It's not like it really matters."

Aenys shook his head; after all, it was the truth.

Maegor the Resenful or Petty (Good Maegor AU)Where stories live. Discover now