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I'm surrounded by fluffy clouds. Is this what heaven is like? Then the pain sinks in. I open my eyes and try to sit up but the pain in my stomach stops me.

I look down and I'm in a sports bra with a bandage wrapped around me. I noticed a beeping noise and see that I'm hooked up to hospital equipment.

Where am I? The room screams expensive. White walls with gold and red accents. Where the fuck did I just wake up at,the land of oz?

The bedroom door opens and a very attractive man walks in the room. He has dark black hair combed backwards with the sides cut short, tanned skin with like 100 tattoos on his arms. His face has some facial hair on his chin strong jaw line and beautiful bright blue eyes. He's at least 6,4 and built like a machine.

He walks closer to me and sits in the chair next to the bed. He just looks at me. Doesn't say a word, just stares. I look at him with a bored expression on my face.

"Where the fuck am I? And who the fuck are you?" He doesn't respond to my questions just relaxes in the chair still looking at me.

"Umm hello earth to psycho." I snap my fingers in his face. He grabs my hand and leans forward.

"I'm Ace babydoll and you're in my house but that's not important. What I wanna know is what you were doing in the forest?" I yank my hand back.

"It's none of your business. But I will thank you for the medical attention but imma be on my way now." I go to get up but he stops me.

"Tell me, are you working for the Russians? Acting like a damsel in distress to kill us?" Ok so he's literally a psychopath.

"What are you talking about? Russians? I don't know any Russians and I certainly don't know who you are Mr.Ace. Who names their kid after a card?"

He just smirks at me finding me amusing apparently.

"Look I appreciate your help and killing that dick face. But it's time for me to go and we can both get on with our lives." I give him a sweet smile and attempting to stand when the door opens again.

"Oh what now?" I asked frustrated.

Two more men walk through the door and I freeze. Those eyes...those eyes saved me I forgot all about them.

The man with the green eyes was tall and muscular as Ace but didn't have as many tattoos and his hair was brown and cropped with very little hair on his face.

The other man was about an inch or two shorter than green eyes. His hair was brown with blue eyes but his were dull almost gray. He also was very attractive with tattoos. More than green eyes but not as many as Ace.

"You." I whispered.

"Your eyes. You carried me out of the woods. You killed Francis." I didn't know what to do or what to say. For once I didn't have a comeback.

He smiles and walks with gray eyes coming closer.

"I'm Cassius."He looked tough and like someone that you don't wanna mess with.

They all do, but him, he looks at me with the softest look on his face. The last one speaks up.

"I'm Grayson." He also smiles. So apparently Ace is the dick.

"What's your name darling?" Grayson asked me. His voice was deep and sexy. It did something to my body that I will not admit. I don't know if I should trust them but I feel like I can trust Cassius.

"Asena." I snap out of it and continue to try and get up but Cassius stops me.

"Hold on, we just have a few questions." He places his hand on my shoulder and even through the material of my shirt I could feel the heat of his skin. I sigh and get comfortable in the bed sitting against the headboard cause apparently I'm not leaving anytime soon.

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